Non-Intercourse Act of 1834
This was an act that let or made one big reservation of the great plains just for the native americans. It made the great plains just for native americans and the government can't take it away. -
Gold is found in Colorado
When people found gold in Colorado made miners go crazy towards the south. There was over 10,000 miners going to colorado to get gold because the idea of getting rich made them all move towards west. -
Treaty of Fort Laramie
This treaty was where the Sioux agreed to live on a reservation by the missouri river. This treaty was so they won't rebel and government can give them food and make peace with them. -
Gold Rush
When Colonel George Custer reported that somewhere around black hills had gold everyone went. This made more people go towards west even more. The gold rush made everyone or a majoirty of people greedy. -
Dawes Act
Congress passed this law saying that native americans can become americans. They give up their beliefs and religions to join the americans. If agreed they would give 160 acres to a married couple and 80 acres to singles. -
Battle of Wounded Knee
This was wasn't much of a war but more of complete domination where they government or soldiers just killed the indians. They took around 350 indians where they had to give up their weapons. While there a random bullet was shot (not known from who) having soldiers just killed every indian, thus bringing the indian era and wars to an end....