setting financial goals!

  • specific plan

    save up a total of 1,600 for a used truck by taking out $25 out of every paycheck for the next 2 years.
  • how to get there

    started to take out $25 out of evry paycheck for two years.
  • lets go a little bit more specific

    keep some money in savings for emergency matters.
  • ready.set.go!

    buy a new set of tires for the truck.
  • chug-a-lug

    save $50 out of the paycheck for the truck to make up for last months tire payment.
  • tick tock

    time to take out a bit more money, maybe $30 this month
  • lets go!

    pay $400 for a diffrent engine.
  • here we go

    taking out $25 out of my paycheck this month and putting it towards the truck again.
  • keep runnin

    Save 200 this month to push you a little farther.
  • Keep up the hustle

    only save 15 for this month due to expensies.
  • can you see the finish line yet?

    save 150 this month to make up for last month.
  • its whithin reach!!

    save $300 to make sure you're there.
  • and you're done!

    buy the vehicle..