Cotton Gin
The Cotton Gin was invented by Eli Whitley and it was used o remove seeds from cotton faster. The creation the Cotton Gin incrased the production Cotton, and thee wealth of Georgia's economy
source:Georgiaencyclopedia -
Yazoo Land Fruad
Legislatures took it upon themselves to take bribes to illegally sell land to four companies. But this actually increased Georgia's economy, because after it was given to the federal government the United states gave Georgia $1.25 million dollars -
Land Lotteries
Land Lotteries were held t distribute land if you qualified you could register to gain/win land. There was an increase in the demand of land by farmers who encouraged westward migration
source:Georgiaencyclopedia -
The syllabary wa created by a native American, because h wa imperessed with how the whites' communicated. This creation helped progress communication ove distances between other natives.
source:Georgaencyclopedia. -
John Ross
Wrote a constitution that would create laws for Natives to separate from the U.S. After the " Train Of Tears" once in Indian territory Ross decided to start establishing things , such as schools, colleges ,etc. , which progress growth.
source: Georgiaencyclopedia -
Dahlonega Gold Rush
Gold was found on land that belonged to natives,so settlers forced natives to leave. By THETIMETHE 1830's came around hr was ad increase in the populatn by over three thousand people due to the luting for gold.
source: Georgiaencyclopedia -
Trail Of Tears
This was a forced journey for Cherokees to move to present day Oklahoma. This also decreased the population of natives most died making this journey, but once they reached there destination they rivived their national institution.
Source:Georgiaencyclopedia -
Period: to
In 1832 men from Athens started the charter of rail roads which helped transport cotton quicker. Railroads kept expanding which improved the speed of imports and exports.
source: Georgiaencylopedia