Senior Mental Health & Engagement

  • 500 BCE

    Mental Illness

    In Europe, during the Middle Ages (5th to 16th century), people thought mental illness had supernatural causes and was associated with demonic or divine possession.
  • Meals on Wheels

    Humber Community Seniors’ Services Inc. (Mt. Dennis-Weston Meals on Wheels) originated in Weston. A group of volunteers cooked and delivered meals to 10 seniors in the community. They received grants from New Horizons to help put the agency on a sound footing.
  • Immigration

    Immigration has played a role in how seniors are isolated and looked at differently. They aren't as included in decision making within our community. "As of 2015, 15.6 million people born in India were living in other countries.The number of international Indian migrants has more than doubled over the past 25 years, growing about twice as fast as the world’s total migrant population."
  • More Than Shelter for Seniors

    This organization helps by transforming affordable housing into centers of community, learning, and well-being for seniors.
  • Global Age-Friendly Cities Project

    World Health Organization (WHO) developed a project brought together cities from around the world that were interested in supporting healthy aging by becoming more age-friendly. These cities gathered information from seniors, senior-care providers and other groups and individuals with an interest in age-friendly communities.
  • General Social Survey

    The survey was developed to better understand the experiences of Canadians 45 years of age and over by examining key transitions related to their families, caregiving and receiving, work and retirement.
  • Poor Mental Health Increase

    Mental health of seniors have an increase over the years. This can be due to lack of engagement and recognition of the seniors. "More than 1.8 million people over 60 years of age were living with a mental health problem or illness in Canada."