Intro Professional Ed. Week 7

  • Boston Latin School

    The first and oldest public school, Boston Latin School was founded. Source:
    11 Facts About the History of Education in America. (2017, January 18). Retrieved from
  • New Technology Introduced into classrooms

    The chalkboard was introduced into classrooms. At first it was considered invaluable, later it would become a powerful tool of the classroom. Source: (Ryan et al., 2016, p.186)
  • Period: to

    Progressive Education Movement

    John Dewey founds the Progressive Education Movement encouraging schools to focus on students' full potential of their ability. Source:
    (n.d.). Retrieved from
  • Attendance for Students.

    31 states had compulsory school attendance for students from ages 8-14. Sources:
    11 Facts About the History of Education in America. (2017, January 18). Retrieved from
  • Thomas Edison's Future Vision

    Thomas Edison envisioned a future in which books would become obsolete and motion pictures would dominate the academic learning. Source:
    (Ryan et al., 2016, p.187)
  • Students' requirements

    Every state requires students to complete elementary school. Source:
    11 Facts About the History of Education in America. (2017, January 18). Retrieved from
  • Period: to

    Brown Vs. Board of Education

    The segregation between black and white students is unanimously ruled unconstitutional. Source:
    Editors, H. (2009, October 27). Brown v. Board of Education. Retrieved from
  • Federal Funding

    The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 gives federal funding to schools while forbidding a national curriculum. Source:
    11 Facts About the History of Education in America. (2017, January 18). Retrieved from
  • Segregated Schools

    By the late 1970's segregated schooling was completely eliminated in the United States. Source:
    11 Facts About the History of Education in America. (2017, January 18). Retrieved from
  • The Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    Requires public schools to provide a free, appropriate education to students with disabilities. Source:
    11 Facts About the History of Education in America. (2017, January 18). Retrieved from
  • A Nation at Risk

    A Nation at risk report called for all high school graduates to be able to both understand and use a computer. Source: (Ryan et al., 2016, p.190)
  • No Child Left Behind Law

    In 2001, senate passed a law providing funding to lower income schools to return students to the academic standards of America. Source:
    What is the "No Child Left Behind" Law? (n.d.). Retrieved from
  • Zelman v. Simmons-Harris

    In the case of Zelman v. Simmons-Harris the U.S. Supreme court rules that certain school voucher programs are constitutional and do not violate the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. Source:
    (n.d.). Retrieved from
  • International Association for K-12 Online Learning

    The International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL), a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing K-12 online education, is launched as a formal corporate entity. Source:
    (n.d.). Retrieved from
  • The Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act re-authorization.

    The Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 is reauthorized and signed into law on August 12. It is the fourth version of this law which was originally passed in 1984. Source:
    (n.d.). Retrieved from
  • Period: to

    Electronic Communication

    The amount of over the past ten years has increased from 12 billion to 247 billion. Three out of four teens use a mobile device to access the Internet.
    Source: (Ryan et al., 2016, p.188)
  • American Reinvestment and Recovery Act

    More than $90 billion for education, including the Race to the Top initiative, aimed at spurring K–12 education reform. Source:
    Amadeo, K. (n.d.). What Did ARRA Really Do? Retrieved from
  • Common Core State Standards Initiative

    The Council of Chief State School Officers and the National Governors Association launch the Common Core State Standards Initiative. Source:
    About the Standards. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  • Race To the Top

    President Barack Obama’s Race to the Top program ushers in a wave of education reforms as states compete for federal grants in the midst of a recession. Source:
    Purpose. (2016, July 19). Retrieved from
  • Training to National Standards.

    In one of three countries, less than three quarters of teachers are trained to national standards, resulting in 130 million children enrolled in school who are not even learning the basics. Sources: 9 Facts to Know About Education Around the World. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  • Online Word Softwares

    Built in spelling and grammar checks in most word processing software help struggling students focus more on their ideas. Source: (Ryan et al., 2016, p.195)
  • Writing With Digital Tools

    The creation of Digit stories help students that are struggling with story telling allow them to create stories using pictures to help through the writing process. Source:(Ryan et al., 2016, p.196)
  • Research

    Online Archives provide students and teachers with tremendous variety of information. Source: (Ryan et al., 2016, p.192)
  • Collaboration

    Through projects, users can interact with other learners around the world or within the same classroom. Source: (Ryan et al., 2016, p.192)
  • Composing

    Word processing tools allow easy cut and paste, and multiple version of documents for students. Source: (Ryan et al., 2016, p.192)
  • Acquiring and practicing skills

    Tools enable teachers to efficiently differentiate instruction.They often contain built in automated assessments. Source: (Ryan et al., 2016, p.193)
  • Ubiquitous Computing

    Most schools are moving towards a ubiquitous computing allowing students devices for projects. Source: (Ryan et al., 2016, p.199)
  • WebQuest

    A reliable resource for students to understand and analyse information instead of spending time searching for it. Source: (Ryan et al., 2016, p.201-202)
  • Tutorials

    Educational software applications designed to provide the initial instruction on a given topic.
  • Children Around the World

    Around the world 59 million children of primary school age are being denied an education, and almost 65 million adolescents are without access to a secondary school. Source:
    9 Facts to Know About Education Around the World. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  • Parent Education

    A child whose mother can read is 50% more likely to survive past the age of five. Source:
    Education. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  • Sending Adolescents to School

    It would take $39 billion (USD) every year to send all adolescents to school. Source:
    9 Facts to Know About Education Around the World. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  • Natural Disasters

    Conflict and natural disasters have disrupted the education of 75 million children. Source:
    9 Facts to Know About Education Around the World. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  • Assessing

    Assessment tools allow teachers to build formative feedback into their instruction. With automated tools, assessing to learn, rather than assessing to grade, become more feasible.
  • Analyzing Data

    Spreadsheets and other analysis tools provide students with multiple ways to view and think about data. Source: (Ryan et al., 2016, p.193)