Semester Timeline Colin Gregory

  • 1418

    Prince Henry of Portugal establishes the first first school for oceanic navigation

  • 1440

    Johannes Gutenberg invents printing press

    Johannes Gutenberg invents printing press
    The printing press helped spread ideas throughout Europe
  • 1491

    St. Ignatius de Loyola forms the Society of Jesus

  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus lands on various Caribbean Islands

  • 1498

    Leonardo paints the "Last Supper"

    Leonardo paints the "Last Supper"
  • 1498

    Vasco De Gama is the first to reach India by sea.

    Vasco De Gama is the first to reach India by sea.
  • 1501

    Michelangelo creates the Statue of David

    He is one of the first influencers of Italian art, who also changed Western art in general.
  • 1503

    Leonardo Da Vinci paints the Mona Lisa

  • 1509

    Erasmus writes the "Praise of Folly"

  • 1517

    Martin Luther writes the "95 Theses" and nails it to the church door

    Martin Luther writes the "95 Theses" and nails it to the church door
  • Period: 1519 to 1522

    Ferdinand Magellan is the first person to circumnavigate the globe

  • 1521

    Martin Luther is excommunicated from the church

  • 1521

    Hernan Cortez defeats the Aztec Empire

  • 1532

    Francisco Pizarro conquers the Incan Empire

    Francisco Pizarro conquers the Incan Empire
  • 1534

    King Henry VIII breaks away from the Catholic Church

  • 1534

    Jacques Cartier dis the first to discover the St. Lawrence River in Canada

  • 1536

    John Calvin writes Institutes of the Christian Religion

    This is an early attempt to standardize the theories of Protestantism
  • 1543

    Nicolaus Copernicus develops the Heliocentric theory

    Nicolaus Copernicus develops the Heliocentric theory
  • 1559

    Elizabeth I makes the Anglican Church the official state church

  • Francis Drake defeats the Spanish Armada and is awarded a knighthood

  • William Shakespeare writes "Romeo and Juliet"

  • Johannes Kepler establishes “Kepler’s law of planetary motion”

  • Galileo Galilei discovered Jupiter’s 4 moons (Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto)

    Galileo Galilei discovered Jupiter’s 4 moons (Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto)
  • Miguel de Cervantes publishes "Don Quixote"

    Miguel de Cervantes publishes "Don Quixote"
    This was the first novel written and published
  • William Harvey announced his discovery of the circulation of blood within the body

  • Period: to

    The Thirty Year War

  • Period: to

    King Louis XIV rebuilds Versaille

  • King Louis XIV becomes king at the age of four.

  • Period: to

    English Civil War

  • Oliver Cromwell defeats King Charles' army at the Battle of Naseby

  • Thomas Hobbes publishes "Leviathan"

  • Sir Isaac Newton published Principia

    Sir Isaac Newton published Principia
  • The Glorious Revolution

    The Glorious Revolution
    King James was overthrown, non-violently, by Parliment. William and Mary of Orange take the throne
  • William and Mary become King and Queen of England

  • John Locke publishes the "Two Treaties of Government

    In this book Locke talks about the natural rights: life, liberty, and property.
  • The English Bill of Rights is written.

  • Baron De Montesquieu publishes the "Spirit of Laws"

  • Voltare writes and publishes "Candide"

    Voltare writes and publishes "Candide"
  • Jean Jacques Rousseau publishes the "Social Contract"

  • The storming of Bastille

    This marks the begining of the French Revolution
  • The calling of the Estates General

    The calling of the Estates General
  • The Tennis Court Oath

  • March of Versailles

    March of Versailles
    Hundereds of woman storm Versaille and demand that the king live in Paris
  • Period: to

    The French Revolution

  • King Louis XIV is executed

  • Period: to

    Maximilien Robespierre leads the Reign of Terror

    This begins with the beheading of King Louis, and ends with the beheading of Robespierre
  • Napoleon Bonaparte becomes the Emperor of the French.

    Napoleon Bonaparte becomes the Emperor of the French.
  • Eugene Delacroix paints "Death of Sardanapalus"