Semester 2 Timeline

  • Da Manchu's!

    Da Manchu's!
    The Manchu took the Ming Dynasty , giving them China's largest empire
  • Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Chris was the first European here, not the first ever. He came, se saw, and he killed some Native Americans!
  • The French Revolution begins!

    The French Revolution begins!
    The French Revolution arises when the peasants have better government ideas
  • The storming Of Bastille

    The storming Of Bastille
    The 3rd Estate in France has revolted against the high ranking residents and has taken over the Bastille Fortress. I think this is the start of what was rememebered as the French Revolution
  • John Locke presents new ideas

    John Locke presents new ideas
    John locke was an English philosopher who preesented Enlightenment ideas and was responsible for the Natural Rights philosophy. That was the fuel for both the American and French Revolutions
  • The Treaty of Torsedillas fails

    The Treaty of Torsedillas fails
    The Treaty of Torsedillas was generally a treaty created and signed by the Catholic church which split the while world between Spain and Portugal
  • Hernan Cortez conquers!

    Hernan Cortez was a Spanish conquistador that took down the Aztecs, the largest native tribe in the Americas. He does this with the advanced tech they had and sickness that they brought along. Also, the Aztecs weren't liked for any reason
  • The Reconquista!

    The Reconquista!
    This 700-year war was an effort to drive the Muslims out of Spain and it was successful. This finally ended in 1492 and this gave the Spanish the midset and experience to conquer the new world
  • The Manchu Empire takes hold

    The Manchu Empire takes hold
    The Manchu Empire takes China and restricts any and all trade with the west. They also founded the current capital Beijing

    An African monarch. He united all of the rival tribes to fight of the Boers
  • the Tennis Court Oath is made!

    the Tennis Court Oath is made!
    The 3rd Estate meet at what is now remembered as the Tennis Court Oath and start up fresh new government ideas. This was another factor that started the French Revolution
  • Joan of Arc Frees France

    Joan of Arc Frees France
    Joan of Arc was a French girl who freed France from the 100 Year War against England. she was jailed later and then jumped out only twinsting her ankle. Burned and killed for being a "witch"
  • Thomas Beckett Died!

    Thomas Beckett Died!
    Thomas Beckett was killed and it was all for the sake of power! Jeeze, people then just wanted all the power and glory for themselves. That's all this showed, the struggle for power back in his time
  • William the Conqueror Conquers England

    William the Conqueror Conquers England
    William takes hold of England and his doings have changed the history of the English language for good!
  • The Rise of the Bubonic Plague!

    The Rise of the Bubonic Plague!
    The Bubonic Plague, or Black Death, destroys the population of Europe, killing one in three people that lived. This greatly impeded the prgress of academics and literature
  • Martin the Luther

    Martin the Luther
    Martin Luther was a philosopher that wrote the 95 Theses . Later on, those theses led to revolts, revolutions, and the start of another religion called Lutheranism
  • The Great Schism

    The Great Schism
    This was when the Roman Catholic and the Greek Orthodox churches split apart. This was the very first time that's happened to any church
  • It be Bloody Mary!

    It be Bloody Mary!
    Mary 1stm or Bloody Mary, was a ruler and tried to make England Catholic. Her ruling lead to religion persecution
  • Leonardo da Vinci is the da Vinci of his time

    Leonardo da Vinci is the da Vinci of his time
    Leonardo da Vinci takes lead as he expands body knowledge and brings around medical advances
  • Dem Crusades doe

    Dem Crusades doe
    The Crusades were really a religious series of wars that were wages by the Catholic Church because they were wanting to drive the Muslims out of the land and to also take that land back
  • Napoleon 3rd Comes to Power!

    Napoleon 3rd Comes to Power!
    napoleon 3rd comes to power but ot everyones disappointment, he's a fake after promising things only to get people to like him so that he could gain more power. He takes complete control to where he wins every election and all of the newspapers have nothing but nice things to say about him
  • Napoleon "The Fake" 3rd is captured! 0_0

    Napoleon "The Fake" 3rd is captured! 0_0
    After being baited by France, Napoleon takes on Otto von Bismark head on with an unprepared army and gets crushed!
  • Encomienda System "Good"

    Encomienda System  "Good"
    This Encomienda System that the Spanish created was meant only for them. It was originally meant to Christianize the Native Americans but it essentially enslaved them
  • Queen Victoria starts Victorian Age

    Queen Victoria starts Victorian Age
    Queen Victoria lives and rules England from 1837-1901. She did not know how to die. Anyways, she changed the lives of people over there greatly by changing up the death penalty and restricting it, she banned slavery, and also improved the working conditions
  • The 7 Year War starts!

    The 7 Year War starts!
    The Seven Year War, although it was really 9 years that it lasted, was started between the French and British
  • Vladamir Lenin doesn't like monarchs

    Vladamir Lenin doesn't like monarchs
    Lenin was the leader of the bolsheviks and didn't like the Monarchy because the Czar executed his brother
  • Russian Civil War: Reds vs. Whites

    Russian Civil War: Reds vs. Whites
    The Reds (Lenin) fought the Whites (Czar Loyalists) and won. Lenin was brutal afterwards though because of the Czar. After he took them dowm, the country took a serious downturn as they experienced famine and millions dead. The country was in ruins

    Vladimir Lenin returns from his exile in Siberia, ready to take down the government. So he starts the November Revolution. This was after Lenin came back and promised the people "Peace, bread, and land" of their own