semester 2 final project

By jinai
  • The Great Fear

    The Great Fear
    In France, there was a political crisis as well as rural rebellion. People ran out of money attempting to purchase bread, the peasants were hungry, and grain prices rose quickly. The "Great Fear" was also fuelled by rumors, which spread terror in communities over reports that government forces were stealing peasant harvests. When nobles attempted to reimpose medieval dues, peasants attacked them by pillaging their castles and destroying their records. Peasants protested the unfair government.
  • The storming of bastille

    The storming of bastille
    The Storming of the Bastille, in Paris, was the flashpoint of the French Revolution and signified the fall of the monarchy and royal authority. The Storming of the Bastille set off a series of events that led to the overthrow of King Louis XVI and the French Revolution. The success of the revolutionaries gave commoners throughout France the courage to rise up and fight against the nobles who had ruled them for so long.
  • National Assembly abolishes feudalism

    National Assembly abolishes feudalism
    The feudal system and feudalism are condemned by the National Assembly. This was critical because it ultimately made everyone equal and gave the populace a sense of freedom.
  • king Louis tries to flee

    king Louis tries to flee
    Louis feels so much pressure from the people and makes an attempt to flee. The people anticipated this and forcibly brought Louis back to Paris. This demonstrates how terrified Louis was of his subjects.
  • The reign of terror

    The reign of terror
    The enemies of the revolution were subjected to several executions. Those who disagreed with the Revolution's principles were immediately imprisoned and executed. Any common person who spoke something anti-revolutionary would face the guillotine, a device used to execute people. 40,000 people died during this period, inciting fear. Peasants, middle-class people, nobles, and members of the church were all slaughtered. The Reign of Terror was initiated by Robespierre.
  • Napoleon's coronation

    Napoleon's coronation
    With his newfound power, Napoleon was able to claim the title of French Emperor. In his words, he would establish "order and stability." For his coronation, he invited the pope to the Notre Dame church in Paris. Napoleon put the crown on his head after stealing it from the pope. He makes it clear that he intends to rule over all of Europe. He was aware that many individuals helped him gain power.