Self Timeline

  • My Birth

    I was born on April 16, 2010 in Green Bay, Wisconsin. I was the firstborn and for 2 years I was an only child.
  • My First Christmas

    My First Christmas
    My first Christmas was magical because it was my first Christmas of many. Also, Christmas is one of my favorite holidays.
  • My Younger Brother is Born

    My younger brother, William, was born on July 11, 2012. He annoys me but I’m glad he’s my brother.
  • My First Day of Kindergarten

    I went to Kindergarten at Elmore Elementary school and I had a fun teacher. I can remember my teacher telling the class that I was moving after that school year ended and everyone said goodbye to me.
  • Me and My Family Move to Pulaski

    Me and my family moved to Pulaski because we needed a bigger house, and because we heard the school district and community was really good. I love Pulaski even if I miss my old neighborhood once and a while.
  • School Shuts Down Due to Covid

    As we all know, schools nationwide shut down due to COVID. I was in fourth grade, and I was a little disappointed, because I loved my teacher and I was going to miss my friends.
  • I Start Playing the Clarinet

    I started playing the clarinet in 6th grade and I really enjoy it. I like marching band, pep band, and concert band. I like preforming and marching in parades.
  • My Soccer Team Wins the Championship

    My Soccer Team Wins the Championship
    In the summer of 2022, my summer soccer team wins 1st place out of the league. I was one of the youngest players on the team, and I believe I’ve gotten better and better as the years have gone on. Also, my team got a medal for getting second place of the most amount of goals.
  • I Went to the Eras Tour

    I went to the Eras Tour in June of 2022 in Minneapolis. I had a bunch of fun and I loved seeing Taylor Swift live.
  • I preformed in Bandfest!

    I preformed in Bandfest at Pasadena College with the Pulaski High School Marching Band. I had a lot of fun and I think we did okay.
  • I preformed in the Rose Parade

    I preformed in the Rose Parade and it was surreal seeing the thousands of people watching me (along with the High School) preform. I had a lot of fun. We did the minstrel turn on TV Corner and I have been told that we might have done the turn the best.