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The history of Seismology
The beginning studies
In ancient Grece the attributed earthquakes to the wrath of the gods. In the 18th century science was more prevalent, J. Drijhout in 1775 suggested that the motion was produced elsewhere; like a ripple. This theory stemmed from the Libson earthquake of 1775. -
Furthering the hypothesis
Robert Mallet was an Irish geologist who theorized that the quakes came from steam caused by water interacting with hot rocks. He attempted to measure seismic velocities with explosive means. -
Instruments for measuring seismic activity
There were many instruments in the time of 1856-1875. Three British men working in Japan named Milne, Ewing, and Gray. They created the first modern seismometer in 1880-1885. -
Observations made by instruments
Richard Oldham recorded S, P, and surface waves using a seismogram. In 1906 using the aforementioned seismometer he confirmed the existence of Earth's core. -
Earth's Structure
Geologists H. Jeffrey and K. Bullen created the Jeffrey-Bullen seismological table. They made the table by using large amounts of data, the data collected created a better inner Earth model and epicenter locations. -
International Data Center
The International Data Center is based in Vienna and is used to record worldwide seismic phenomena. This center was made in 1996 and is still functioning today. -
Sites Used
Chap01 1. - University of California, San Diego. https://igppweb.ucsd.edu/~agnew/Pubs/agnew.a66.pdf
History of Seismology - CSUN. https://www.csun.edu/~dsw/intro_history_seismo.ppt