Constitutional Convention
A secret meeting to discuss weak problems of the government. Revise AOC or create a new Constitution? Determined 3/5ths Compromise - the North wanted slaves to count as a full person, South wanted them to only count for representation in Congress. Creates a division between North and South. Slave Trade - Chose to end slave trade 1808 - Founding Fathers did not take a stand on slavery - let the future deal with it. -
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Alien-Sedition Acts / Kentucky-Virginia Resolutions
Alien-Sedition Act established by John Adams to protect from dangerous non-citizens. Prevent Republicans criticizing his presidency. Virginia-Kentucky Resolutions - Established by Thomas Jefferson to repeal the Aliend Sedition Act. Written by Madison and Jefferson (DR). Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional. Establish the rift between the Federalists and Democratic-Republicans. Sectionalism with political ideas. -
Louisiana Purchase
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Wk9ci92ovHVPXWm3L7sPh3SNXNzQnz2mpDMX8zgJSuY/edit?usp=sharing' >Louisana Purchase' >Louisiana Purchase -
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Hartford Convention
Series of Federalists meeting and discussing their greivances of the War of 1812. Talked about the Radicals want to succeed from the Union. 3/5th Compromise was unfair to the North. People were afraid of a New England succession. North v. South - Things that the North did not agree with in the South. -
Missouri Compromise
Was used to create equality between free states and slave states after Missouri applied to come into the Union as a slave state. They admitted Missouri as a slave state in March 1820 but to keep the peace they admitted Maine in as a free state. The act helped hold the Union together for thirty more years. Three years later the Supreme Court in the Dred Scott case declared the Missouri compromise unconstitutional. Both bills of Maine and Missouri were united by the Senate. -
American Colonization Society
Charles Finley created the American Colonization Society in 1816, with a big meeting being held at the Davis hotel in DC, with important attendees including James Monroe, Bushrod Washington, Andrew Jackson, Francis Scott Key, and Daniel Webster. His ultimate goal was to satisfy the abolitionists and the slave holders by sending free African slaves back to their homelands in Africa. By selling Membership certificates and receiving $100,000 from congress in 1819, -
American Colonization Society Part II
they were able to send the first ship, the Elizabeth, from New York with 88 former slaves and 3 white ACS agents in January 1820, and 22 of the Immigrants and all 3 of the agents died of yellow fever. This helped ease sectionalism because it allowed the slaves to be happy because they could escape critisisim, and were returned to their homelands, and the people who feared the political power of free slaves could relax. -
William Lloyd Garrison's Liberator
William Lloyd Garrison was a northern abolitionist who expressed his views through the Liberator. The Liberator was what got people to see slavery was wrong which added to sectioalism because some people still believed that slavery was right. One of the themes is ideas, beliefs, and culture; Garrison's liberator spoke out against the South's culture and wanted to change it. Theme two is politics and power because the Liberator gave Garrison the power to speak to thousands of people his opinion. -
Nat Turner's Rebellion
Nat Turner's rebellion was a slave uprising in Southampton County, Virginia that started on August 21, 1831 and consisted of 56 blacks who were executed with more than 200 more beaten by angry mobs of militia. It became one of the bloodiest slave revolts in America and also one of the largest slave uprisings in America. This rebellion was led by Nat Turner. It helped sectionalism because it led to harsher slave laws and therefore more tension between the North and the South. -
John Calhoun and the Ordinance of Nullification
The Ordinance of Nullification declared that the Tariffs of 1828 and 1832 were void in the state of South Carolina. Lawmakers in South Carolina believed that the tariffs favored the North over the South. It added to sectionalism by showing that southern states would go against laws if they felt they were biased toward the North. It effected US citizens by showing the how the government reacted to rebellion to laws. -
Liberty Party
The liberty party was the first antislavery political party created in 1840 and was made up of abolitionists. The president of this party was William Lloyd Garrison and he argued that if the south did not agree to form a new nation then the north would secede from the U.S forming its own nation which added to sectionalism. Garrison also viewed the U.S Constitution as an illegal document because it denied African Americans freedoms. -
Annexation of Texas 2
would be entered as a slave state and it would throw off the balance. On the other side, the Southern states were all for it. This exemplifies the theme of ennvironment and geography because it was adding more land to the US changing the geography. It also exemplifies politics and power because Texas would be added as a slave state so it would increase controversie with the north and south. It would also give the North more power in the repect of having more land. -
Annexation of Texas
Texas was admitted as the 28 state to the Union on December 29, 1845 but it did not formally relinquish it's sovereignty to the US until February 19,1846. James K. Polk was the one who signed the bill officially stating Texas as a state of the Union. Texas citizens favored Texas because it had been a rough time after declaring independence from Mexico. This had and affect on sectionalism because the Northern states, Democrats, and Whigs were all against letting Texas become a state because it -
Period: to
Mexican American War
Provoked when Zachary Taylor passed the Rio Grande border. Fought for 1 1/2 years. America only had 8,000 soldiers at the beginning and ended with 60,000. Captured Mexico City and created the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. $15,000 for the land Southwest (CA, AZ, NM). Rio Grande River is the Mexican American border. Made us seem arrogant because we went in to take the land. Continued with disagreements in America. Whigs disagreed. -
Compromise of 1850
Fugitive Slave Act Amended. Jan. 29, 1850. Original Bill failed so they split it up into the 5 Bills. Abolished slave trade in D.C. Peopling is a theme because it affects the Americans. Politics & Power is another theme because Congress did not know what to do to please both sides. Politics is the other half of theme because Congress was involved which is getting involved in politics. This event effected the Americans because it made them split on whether or not slavery should be allowed or not. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Uncle Tom's Cabin is a anti-slavery novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe which shows the reality of slavery, that slaves were actual people and need to be treated like normal people. This created sectionalism between the North and South over slavery. It was one of many things that led to the Civil War, which started shortly after this novel was published. The novel made the North more certain that slavery needs to be abolished and the South took it as a threat. -
Forming of the Republican Party; part 1
The Republican Party was formed in March 1854 in a meeting of Anti-slavery Whigs in Wisconsin. The Republicans believed in high tariffs to protect workers, were against slavery, supported banks, big business, and railroads. The Southern states threatened to succeed from the Union if a Republican president was elected. Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican president. -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
The Kansas Nebraska Act was an act that divided the lands West of Missouri into two new territiories, Kansas and Nebraska. Because of popular soverignty, the settlers of the new land voted to decide if the territories were open or closed to slavery. People were outraged because under the terms of the Missouri Compromise of 1820, the territories should have been closed to slavery. The Kansas Nebraska act added to sectionalism by adding to the contoversy of slave states and free states. -
Abraham Lincoln's Peoria Speech
Lincoln's speech happened in Peoria, Illinois to lay out his objections to the Kansas- Nebraska Act. In his presidency he had no plans on outlawing slavery, he was a Whig not an abolitionist. He did not blame the South for slavery but he said "ancient history has that taught him all men are created equal." This created sectionalism because slavery was the main source of labor on plantations. So Lincoln's actions could put Southern plantation owners out of business. -
The Caning of Charles Sumner
Charles Sumner gave the speech "The Crime Against Kansas", an anti-slavery speech. He insulted and blamed Stephen Douglas and Andrew Butler for the incident "Bleeding Kansas". Two days after the speech, Preston Brooks (a relative if Andrew Butler) beat Charles Sumner on the head with a cane, leaving him bloody and unconscious in his office. This adds to sectionalism because it shows divisions between political parties. -
Pottawatomie Creek and John Brown
Dred Scott
Dred Scott, an enslaved African American, and his family tried to sue for their freedom however they were unsuccessful. The Supreme court decided then that no African American could apply for citizenship in the United States, meaning that slaves were just considered property. This created a seperation between the Abolitionists and the people that were proslavery. Supreme court used their power to keep slaves from becoming United State citizens. The identiy of African Americans was property. -
Lincolns "House Divided" speech
The speech was given by Abraham Lincoln at the Illinois state capital in Springfield. The speech was supposed to be his launching point for his losing campaign. Even though he lost and couldn't have his seat in the senate, his speech gave an image of slavery-based disunion. This speech became one of his best speeches and it gave light to the truth of slavery in the U.S, either the country would have to be an entire slave or free slave country. -
John Brown's Harper's Ferry Raid
John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry was an attempt made by the abolitionists to start an armed slave revolt by seizing arsenal at Harpers Ferry. They were stopped by a group of U.S. Marines, lead by Robert E. Lee. Brown believed that Harper's Ferry was the best place to go because of the weapons they had. It was somewhere he believed he could form camps for slaves to hide. Brown's raid depend the divide between the North and South, adding to the idea of Sectionalism. -
Election of 1860
There was two separate sectional campaigns between Lincoln and Douglas in the North the Beckinridge and Bell in the South. The Northern delegates only campaigned in the North, and the Southern delegates only campaigned in the South. The South wanted the slaveholders to have their rights, and the Northerners disagreed with that. Lincoln won and didn't want the slaveholders to have their rights, so the people in the South grew angered.