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3/5 Compromise
Congress passes the Three-Fifths Clause stating that eachslave is to be counted as Three-Fifths of a person for calculatng representation in congress -
Missouri Compromise
The compromise stated that slavery was legal within the borders of Missouri. Slavery was then excluded for territories North of latitude 36/30 -
Mexican American war
The war resulted in America gaining a large amount of land in the south-western part of the country. This raised the question of if the new land would be entered as slave or non slave barring. -
Compromise of 1850
The compromise determined California to be a free state. It also allowed Utah and the new mexico Territories to determine the question of slavery by Popular Soverignty . It further banned the slave trade in Washington D.C. -
Fugitive slave act
This allowed slave holders to claim run away slaves. This resulted in many slave holders claiming free african american slaves. -
Uncle tom's cabin
The book contained the harsh reality of being a slave. It shows the daily struggle of living as someones property. The book was mass produced all across america. -
Kansas Nebraska act
This act allowed the residents of Kansas and Nebraska to choose for themselves if their states would be free or slave holding. This act contradicted the Missouri Compromise. -
Dred Scott Decision
This case ruled against Dred Scott. The supreme court found that slaves were not U.S citizens an therefore no recognized by law. This destroyed all past compromises and allowed for slave owners to take their slaves to any part of the U.S. -
John Brown raid
John Brown lead an attack upon Harper's Ferry Virginia. His intentions were to start a slave uprising using their captured weapons