3/5ths Compromise
The constitution states that every 3 out of 5 slaves count as one vote. -
Missouri comprimise
In 1820 Missouri had wanted to become part of the union as a slave state. But by doing this it would create an unequal balence between the free slaves and the slave states. They then allowed Missouri to join. -
Mexican American war
Mexican forces kill Americans on American soil. Causing them to declare war on Mexico. -
Fugitive slave law
This law gave federal marshalls and other officers the responsibility of catching runaway slaves. If officials fail to arrest a fugitive slave they were fined $1,000 and even improsonment. They also denied the suspected slave jury or trial. -
Comprimise of 1850
The compromise of 1850 was an agreement that Texas would keep the land. And also that california could be included as a free state. -
Federick Douglas
federick douglas was a former slave who had gainedd freedom. And was also a part of the abolitionist movement. Douglas went all around the states giving live talks about the insight on slavery. Really opening peoples eyes to the sad reality. -
Harriet Beecher Stowe - Uncle Tom’s Cabin
HArriet Beecher wrote a book called Unce toms Cabin. Where it showed the real life of the slaves. This book became popular extremely fast opening the readers eyes to the cruelty of slavery. And how wrong it is. -
Federick Douglas " What to the Slaves is 4th of July"
This was a speech where federick douglas explains what fourth of july means to the african americans. He makes references to the documents suuch as the decleration of independence, and also the U.S constitution. -
Supreme court VS Dredd Scott
This was a case were the supreme court had came to a decision that african americans wether free or slaved could not become an americcan citizen -
Election of 1860
This ellection put fear into the souther states. Due to the fact that theey belived Abraham Lincoln once elected would then choose to abloish slavery as a whole in the Americas