The enactment of the Selective Service Act
This Act required all males age 21 to 36 to register for military service. Presdient FDR thought that the armed forces needed to be stronger to enter the war. The first peacetime draft in our Nation`s history was authorized by Congress in September 1940. -Enrica Tassone -
Franklin D. Roosevelt gives first fireside chat
FDR understood that the outcome of the war in Europe untimeately depended on his country`s ability to produce planes, tanks, guns, uniforms, and other war materials for the Allies. This was the first fireside chat on radios for America. - Hannah Klepacz -
The establishment of the Office of Price Adminstartion
It was established by an executive order. The OPA's job was to control inflation by limiting prices and rents. It also back fired and did not end up working. -vicky Diehl -
Establishment of War Production Board
The armed forces got to decide which companies would get contracts to work military hardware, but the WPB set rules and gave raw materials. As production of consumer goods stopped, factories converted to war production. Each year of the war, the United States raised its production goals for military materials, and each year it met these goals. -Brianne Miller -
Office of War Mobilzation
Jame F.Brynes was elected predsident and became head of the office of War Mobilization. This was a superagency in the centralization of resources. It helped run the war.-Mallory Bush