750 BCE
Start of era of Greek city-states
Period: 750 BCE to 336 BCE
Era of Greek city-states
559 BCE
Cyrus conquers and creates the Achaemenid Empire
Period: 559 BCE to 330 BCE
Persian Achaemenid Empire
522 BCE
Darius 1 organizes the Achaemenid government
509 BCE
Founding of the Roman Republic
500 BCE
Start of Chinese age of warring states
500 BCE
Founding of Athenian democracy
Period: 500 BCE to 221 BCE
Chinese age of warring states
492 BCE
Start of Persian Wars
Period: 492 BCE to 479 BCE
Persian Wars
479 BCE
Start of the Golden Age of Athens
Period: 479 BCE to 429 BCE
Golden Age of Athens
431 BCE
Start of the Peloponnesian War
Period: 431 BCE to 404 BCE
Peloponnesian War
336 BCE
Start of Reign of Alexander the Great
Period: 336 BCE to 323 BCE
Reign of Alexander the Great
326 BCE
Start of India's Mauryan Dynasty Empire
Period: 326 BCE to 184 BCE
Mauryan Dynasty Empire
323 BCE
Start of Hellenistic Empires
After Alexander the Great's demise -
Period: 323 BCE to 100 BCE
Hellenistic Empires
268 BCE
Start of Rule of Ashoka Maurya
Period: 268 BCE to 232 BCE
Rule of Ashoka Maurya
221 BCE
Start of Qin Dynasty Empire
Period: 221 BCE to 206 BCE
Qin Dynasty Empire
206 BCE
Start of Han Dynasty Empire
Period: 206 BCE to 220
Han Dynasty Empire
200 BCE
Start of Peak of Roman Empire
Period: 200 BCE to 200
Peak of Roman Empire
180 BCE
Start of Rise of Kushan Empire
Period: 180 BCE to 180
Rise of Kushan Empire
46 BCE
Julius Caesar seizes power
27 BCE
Augustus ends Republic Period
27 BCE
Start of Pax Romana
Period: 27 BCE to 180
Pax Romana
1 CE
Start of Transition from republic to empire in Rome
Period: 1 CE to 101
Transition from republic to empire in Rome
Yellow Turban Rebellion in China
Collapse of Han Dynasty
Start of Peak of Mayans in Mesoamerica
Period: 250 to 900
Peak of Mayans in Mesoamerica
Start of Gupta Dynasty Empire
Period: 320 to 550
Gupta Dynasty Empire
Constantine move Roman capital to Constantinople
Start of Collapse of western Roman Empire
Period: 401 to 501
Collapse of western Roman Empire
Fall of Roman Empire
White Huns invade Gupta causing collapse