
Second New Deal

By aousley
  • The Second New Deal

    The Second New Deal
  • Period: to

    The Second New Deal

    Aimed to address even more issues America was facing such as; poverty, protection of citizens rights, unemployment, and overall bettering America.
  • Works Progress Administration

    Works Progress Administration
    The WPA sought to recover and reform. They focused on bettering cities, young people, and minorities. Bridges, schools, roads, libraries, and sewer systems were constructed. The National Youth Administration was formed to give money to people as an incentive to stay in school and get a job afterwards. The WPA faced the issue of not having enough funds to do all they dreamed but they still were effective.
  • National Labor Relations Act

    National Labor Relations Act
    The NLRA was a reform act which allowed workers the right to bargain with their employers, to go on strike, prohibited firing workers that went on strike, and restricted other tactics to prevent unions from forming.
  • Social Security Act

    Social Security Act
    The act was designed to relieve those in poverty. Unemployment insurance was payed to mothers and children. The SSA made their own system of jobs, unemployment insurance, and aid to help families in poverty and with children. They also insured pension for the millions of elderly who were struggling.
  • Election of 1936

    Election of 1936
    Roosevelt was reelected in 1936. The many citizens joined the New Deal Coalition and continued to support Roosevelt. He won 60% of the popular vote and all but two states.
  • 1938 Mid Elections

    1938 Mid Elections
    The conservatives gained 75 seats in the house and they had the power to block any new deal legislation they felt necessary.
  • Fair Labor Standards Act

    Fair Labor Standards Act
    This act is meant to reform the labor system. The FLSA established minimum wage and maximum work hours. They also banned child labor.