Second New Deal

  • Banking Act of 1935

    Created a board to regulate the nation's money supply and interest rates on loan
    It passed in 1935
  • WPA

    (Works Progress Administration)
    Employed at least 8.5 million people at an average $2 a day. Built roads, bridges, schools, etc.
    The WPA was passed on April 8, 1933
  • Wagner Act

    The most important piece of the New Deal, it recognized the right of employees to join labor unions and gave workers the right to collective bargaining
    The act was passed July 5, 1935
  • Social Security Act

    An act that Congress enacted established unemployment insurance for workers who lost their jobs, work-related accidents, poverty-stricken mothers and children, the blind, and the disabled.
    The act waspassed on August 14, 1935
  • USHA

    (United States Housng Authority)
    Subsidized construction of low-cost public housing by providing federal loans
    The USHA passed on September 1, 1937
  • Food,Drug, and Cosmetic Act

    Prohibited the mislabeling of food, drugs, and cosmetics, and ensured the safety and purity of these products
    The act passed in 1938
  • Fair Labor Standards Act

    Provided workers with additional rights.
    The Act was passed June 25, 1938