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Sebs timelinequizley

  • I was born

    I was born
    I was born at 10.35 am at the royal hobart hospital.
  • TV sitcom friends debuts

    TV sitcom friends debuts
    Three young men and three young women live in the same apartment complex and face life and love in New York.
  • I start school at hutchins

    I start school at hutchins
    I started at hutchins my first year of full time school after refusing to go to school.
  • Period: to


    My time at hutchins has been GREAT
  • I learn how to ride a bike

    I learn how to ride a bike
    I started riding a small bike in the lounge room, then bikes ever since and I wish to become really good.
  • in 1889 the eiffel tower opened

    in 1889 the eiffel tower opened
    we went here in 2013 and it`s visited by 7 million people each year.
  • Mustangs first appearance at the world fair

    Mustangs first appearance at the world fair
    Mustang attend many events and are leaders in American muscle cars.
  • We started our 6 week Europe Camping trip

    We started our 6  week Europe Camping  trip
    we visited France (Paris, Loire, la Batie d'Andure, Sardinia, Napoli, Amalfi, Florence, Modena, Venice, Koper, Amsterdam, Ameland
  • We went to canberra with school

    We went to canberra with school
    It was lots of fun we visited questacon, new parliament house, old parliament house, and many more
  • April fools

    April fools
    april fools was popularised 350 years ago