Scottsboro Boys

  • 9 black boys: Accused Of Rape

    9 black boys: Accused Of Rape
    9 Black boys got accused of rape in Aabama
  • Ruby Bates and Victoria Price

    Ruby Bates and Victoria Price
    Ruby and Victoria claims that two black teenagers raped them while they were on a train. A doctor examined the women for evidence of rape and samples for semen.
  • The First and Second trial

    The First and Second trial
    When the first trial began they said that haywood paterson,the one that victoria claimed that raped her, was guilty. She also said that paterson shot a white women but when Ruby Bates came in as a suprise, she said the story was fake and that Victoria forced her to make up that story.
  • The Result of The 9 Sottsboro Boys

    All of them was in jail for life except paterson.
  • Clarence Norris went into hiding

  • George Wallence

    George Wallence
    He was pardoned by George Wallence after he was found and wrote a book about his experences.
  • Clarence Norris

    Clarence Norris
    The trial went on for three days. the others was sent to jail for life except, Clarence Norris, that was sentenced to death
  • The Last defendent

    The Last defendent
    Norris was the last survivung defendent and died in 1989.