Scottsboro Boys Arrested
VideoThe Scottboro boys get in a fight with a group of white men and were arrested on charges of assault. Rape charges are later added when 2 girls falsing accuse them. Sources:
photo: creative commons -
Scottboro Boys Indicted
indict The Grand Jury indicts all 9 Scottboro boys for rape. Sources:
photo:creative commons -
Trial Begins
Trial begins in Scottsboro held by judge A.E.Hawkins. Sourses:
Photo:http://www.rarenewspapers.com/view/589429 -
8 Boys Convicted
The trial of Roy Wright ends in a mistrial, while the other 8 boys are tried, convicted, and sentenced to death. Sources:
Photo:http://darrow.law.umn.edu/photo.php?pid=937 -
Alabama Supreme Court
The court affirms the convicton of 7 of the boys by a vote of 6-1. Because Eugene Wiliams was a juvenile, his case was reversed. Sources:
photo:http://www.whitehousehistory.org/presentations/the-half-had-not-been-told-me/white-house.html -
Powell vs Alabama
The convictions of the Scottsboro boys is reversed by the Supreme court in a vote of 7-2 becasue Alabama failed to provide proper assistance of counsel. Sources:
Photo:http://www.encyclopediaofalabama.org/face/Article.jsp?id=h-1456 -
Patterson & Powell
Haywood patterson, for the 4th time, is convicted of rape and senteced to 75 years in prison. The next day Ozzie Powell is shot in the head while attempting to attack Deputy Sheriff Edgar Balock. Sources:
Photo:http://scottsboroboystrial.blogspot.com/2010/05/ozzie-powell.html -
Haywood Patterson
Haywood Patterson is found quilty and is sentenced to death by electric chair. This trial was later set aside by Judge Horton and Patterson was granted a new trial. Sources:
Photo:http://www.wnyc.org/story/250323-scottsboro-civil-rights-milestone/ -
Patterson & Norris
Both Patterson and Norris are tried then convicted of rape. They are senteced to death which is later to be overturned in 1935. Sources:
Photo:http://tokillamockingbirdprojectpage.pbworks.com/w/page/22329428/Signs%20of%20the%20Times%20%20Civil%20Rights%20Collage -
Conviction and Realses
Norris, Wright, and Weems are convicted of rape/assault and senenced to years in prison. Wright, Wiliams, Mongomery, and Roberson were realsed after charges were dropped against them. Sources:
Photo:http://homer.gsu.edu/blogs/library/2010/11/12/hell-in-georgia-for-angelo-herndon-communist-organizer/scottsboro-boys/ -
Period: to
Weems, Norris, powell, & Wright are paroled. When Norris and Wright violate their paroles they are returned to prison, they later paroled again. Wright dies in August of 1959. Sources:
http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/scottsboro/sb_chron.html -
Haywood Patterson escaped prison for the second time and spends the next 3 years living underground. Sources:
Photo:http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/scottsboro/SB_bPATT.html -
BiographyHaywood Patterson is now involved in a barroom fight and ends up killing the other man in what he claims was self defence. This resulted in Patteson being charged with murder. Haywood Patterson is later convicted of manslauter and sentenced to 6-15 years. He passes away in August 1952 from cancer less than one year after returning to prison. Sources:
Photo:http://www.africanafrican.com/negroartist/SCOTTSBORO BOYS1/ -
Clarence Norris
Biograpgy Norris is pardoned by AL Governor George Wallace. Clarence
Norris becomes they last living Scottsboro boy dying at age 76 on January 23 1989. Sources:
Photo:http://thescottsboroninecase.weebly.com/the-case.html -
Scottsboro Boys Finally Free
Timeline VideoRobert Bently signs the legislation officially pardonign and exonerating ALL nine Scottsboro boys. Sources: