Scottsboro boys

Scottsboro Boys

  • Day of Arrest

    Posse stops Southern Railroad train in Paint Rock, Alabama. Scottsboro boys are arrested on charges of assault. Rape charges are added against all nine boys after accusations are made by Victoria Price and Ruby Bates.
  • The Grand Jury's Indiction

    Grand jury indicts the nine Scottsboro boys for rape.
  • First Scottsboro Trials

    Trials begin in Scottboro before Judge A. E. Hawkins.
  • The First Execution

    On the date first set for their executions, the Scottsboro boys listen to the execution of Willie Stokes, the first of ten blacks to be executed at the prison over the next ten years. After hearing gruesome reports of the execution, many of the boys report nightmares or sleepless nights.
  • NAACP Withdraws

    NAACP withdraws from case.
  • The Move to William Callahan's Court

    The Scottsboro cases are removed from Judge Horton's jurisdiction and transferred to Judge William Callahan's court.
  • The Scottsboro Defense Committee

    The Scottsboro Defense Committee is organized.
  • Convictions and Sentences

    Clarence Norris is convicted of rape and sentenced to death. Andy Wright is convicted and sentenced to 99 years for rape. Charlie Weems is convicted and sentenced to 75 years. Ozzie Powell pleads guilty to assaulting the sheriff and is sentenced to 20 years.
  • Some Charges are Released

    Roy Wright, Eugene Williams, Olen Montgomery and Willie Roberson were released after all charges were dropped against them.
  • Norris's Sentence is Reduced

    Clarence Norris's death sentence is reduced to life in prison by Governor Graves.
  • Norris and Wright Paroled

    Norris and Andy Wright are paroled.
  • Norris is back in Prison

    Norris is returned to prison.
  • Patterson is Charged Again

    Patterson is involved in a barroom fight resulting in the death of another man. Haywood is charged with murder.
  • Last Scottsboro Boy Dies

    Clarence Norris, the last surviving Scottsboro boy, dies at age 76.
  • The Pardoning and Exoneration of All Nine Scottsboro Boys

    Alabama Governor Robert Bentley signs legislation officially pardoning and exonerating all nine Scottsboro Boys.