Jan 1, 776
Manual Score Boards
The first score boards did not display time and were often extremely time consuming. The date of the first manual score board dates back into ancient times used in greek and roman athletics. Such as greek Olympic wrestling. Some baseball fields still use manual score boards, but they aren't common. Though one of the first to be used in a normal game of baseball were made in 1908 -
Electronic Score Boards
http://mentalfloss.com/article/24976/100-years-scoreboard-watchingOver 1200 years later the electronic score board is created. Invented by a Chicago citizen named George A. Baird. It didn't have much, but it had time which the manual score board did not. -
Machanical Score Boards
http://mentalfloss.com/article/24976/100-years-scoreboard-watchingAll though this innovation did not take off, it was still a great idea. It worked by a guy behind the score board moving gears which would change the number in the front of the score board. It was a popular idea for while mostly because it involved the person changing the scoreboard to not be seen. He would see the game by looking through a small hole in the scoreboard. -
The Electronic Miracle
http://mentalfloss.com/article/24976/100-years-scoreboard-watchingSome time after the manual scoreboard was created a barrier in electronics were reached where an electronic score board at Yankee Stadium was revieled which only took 2 men to work instead of 5. It displayed time, score, inning, players names, strikes, balls, outs, etc. -
Additions to the Yankee Stadium Scoreboard
http://mentalfloss.com/article/24976/100-years-scoreboard-watchingOn the day before the Opening Day of the 1959 baseball season Yankee Staduim conquered another barrier by adding digital sentances/writing across the scoreboard. This would be used for sponsorships and events of the day. -
Chicago White Sox Magnificent Scoreboard
http://mentalfloss.com/article/24976/100-years-scoreboard-watchingInbetween seasons (before the 1960's baseball season) the Chicago White Sox shocked the entire baseball fanbase when they finished their ginormous scoreboard which did everything that the Yankee Stadiums scoreboard could do except better. The numbers were much clearer, and bigger, and when ever the White Sox scored the spinners at the top would start spinning and fireworks would go off. This brought much attraction and attention to the Chacago White Sox Stadium. -
Many Other Great Scoreboards
http://mentalfloss.com/article/24976/100-years-scoreboard-watchingAfter that many other scoreboards were created such as the Houston Astrodomes scoreboard, Brooklyn's Ebbetts Field's scoreboard, Cincinnati's Crosley Field's scoreboard, Fenway Park's Green Monster scoreboard, the Big A Anaheim scoreboard, and many more. -
One of the Biggest Scoreboards to be Seen
http://mentalfloss.com/article/24976/100-years-scoreboard-watchingOne of the biggest, or possibly the biggest, scoreboards created was in 1980 revealed at the All-Star game. This scoreboard was 875 square feet.