Full WiFi available at all SCOE campuses
Full WiFi available in all Special Education district classrooms
Period: to
SCOE Schools by the year 2020 (very imaginative)
Mobile tablets used in 100% of Alternative Education classrooms
Increase school outside bandwidth to 5Gb
Digital wireless devices available for use by all students
Some form of Online or Blended Learning option available to all Alternative Education students
Students in Juvenile Hall enroll in and complete Online and Blended learning activities
Some Solano COE teachers certified for Online and Blended learning
Special Education classes provide table-based tools on a one per pupil basis
Solano County rolls out utility-funded Municipal Area WiFi, with free or reduced cost service always available (o.k., we can dream, right?)
Department of Education pilots a funded eLearning project in each school district (o.k., we can REALLY dream now!)
Students advance toward graduation using CGE (Competency-based Grade level Equivalent)
School facilities are built specifically to be smaller, greener, and open almost all day to support flexible schedules
CDE recognizes and funds online learning provided by accredited institutions outside California
California colleges accept students based on course mastery