Solano schools crest

SCOE schools by the year 2020

  • Full WiFi available at all SCOE campuses

  • Full WiFi available in all Special Education district classrooms

  • Period: to

    SCOE Schools by the year 2020 (very imaginative)

  • Mobile tablets used in 100% of Alternative Education classrooms

    Mobile tablets used in 100% of Alternative Education classrooms
  • Increase school outside bandwidth to 5Gb

  • Digital wireless devices available for use by all students

  • Some form of Online or Blended Learning option available to all Alternative Education students

  • Students in Juvenile Hall enroll in and complete Online and Blended learning activities

  • Some Solano COE teachers certified for Online and Blended learning

  • Special Education classes provide table-based tools on a one per pupil basis

  • Solano County rolls out utility-funded Municipal Area WiFi, with free or reduced cost service always available (o.k., we can dream, right?)

  • Department of Education pilots a funded eLearning project in each school district (o.k., we can REALLY dream now!)

  • Students advance toward graduation using CGE (Competency-based Grade level Equivalent)

  • School facilities are built specifically to be smaller, greener, and open almost all day to support flexible schedules

  • CDE recognizes and funds online learning provided by accredited institutions outside California

  • California colleges accept students based on course mastery