William Harvey
Discribes the circulation of blood -
Jean Baptiste Denis
successfully transfered blood from a lamb to a human -
Anton Van Leewenhoek
first observes living bacteria -
Edward Jenner
Uses cowpox to immune against smallpox -
Thomas Malthus
pointed out that human population can quickly out grow food supply -
Clara Barton
Founder of Red Cross -
Charles Darwin
dicovered evolution -
Florence nightengale
Helped make nursing a womens job -
Louis Pasteur
Invents sterilization -
Robert Koch
Proves Bacillus Anthracis causes authrox -
Joseph Lister
Uses Sterile surgical technique -
Gregor Mandel
Father of Genetics. Discovered how genetics work. -
Paul Ehrlich
Invents Salverson (a drug for syphils) -
Sir Alexander Fleming
Disconvers antibiotic effects of penicillium mold -
Howard Florey
isolate penicilllin and create first antibiotic drug -
Bernard Fantus
fromed first blood bank -
Dr. Charles Drews
set up collection centers for blood during WW1 -
Carl Walter
introduced the plastic bag to collet blood -
Jonas Salk
Made a vaccine for polio -
Albert Sabin
Made an oral vaccine for polio