Scientific Revolution Timeline

By kn15
  • 322 BCE


    Aristotle wrote this book in many different segments but he finished weighting the book in the year 322 BC.
  • 40 BCE

    Aristotles works are put together

    Aristotles works are put together
    A group of followers of the Greek philosopher Aristotle(385-322BC) put together a series of his works on logic.
  • 150

    Geocentric theory

    Geocentric theory
    Ptolemy (100-170AD) a Egyptian astronomer had created his geocentric universe theory or in other words he thought that the Earth was the center of the universe.
  • 1543

    Copernicus proposes a new theory

    Copernicus proposes a new theory
    Copernicus(1473-1543) a Polish scholar wrote “On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres.” In this book he suggested that the universe was heliocentric.
  • 1543

    Andreas Vesalius anatomy book published

    Andreas Vesalius anatomy book published
    Andreas Vesalius(1514-1554) a Flemish scientist published “On the Structure of the Human Body” which became the first ever accurate study of human anatomy.
  • Period: 1550 to

    Scientific Revolution

  • Galileo’s thermometer

    Galileo’s thermometer
    Although he did not actually invent the thermometer he did make a water thermoscope which was the first way to ever actually tell difference in temperature.
  • Johannes Kepler’s laws of planetary motion

    Johannes Kepler’s laws of planetary motion
    Johannes Kepler (157-1630) a German astronomer published his laws of planetary motion saying that the planets moved in an ellipse instead of a perfect circle around the Sun.
  • Galileo invents a telescope

    Galileo invents a telescope
    Galileo(1564-1642) was an Italian scientist and one of the few people to use a telescope to look up at the heavens and in 1609 Galileo made his own telescope to do so.
  • William Harvey publishes his book on the hear and blood

    William Harvey publishes his book on the hear and blood
    William Harvey(1578-1657)was an English physician published his book “Anatomical Exercise on the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals.”
  • Isaac Newtons laws of motion

    Isaac Newtons laws of motion
    Isaac Newton presents his three laws of motion.The first and third laws are the most used laws.1st-every object persists in it’s state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed on it.3rd-for every action, there is an equal opposite re-action.
  • Isaac Newton published his theory of gravity.

    Isaac Newton published his theory of gravity.
    Isaac Newton(1643-1727) a European scientist published his theory of gravity. His theory was started after he saw an apple fall from a tree.