May 1, 1543
Nicolaus Copernicus published "On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres".
Galileo's discoveries were published in The Starry Messenger
Isaac Newton was born
The Glorious Revolution resulted in a Bill of Rights that affirmed Parliament's right to make laws.
The first daily newspaper was printed in London
The United Kingdom of Great Britain came into existence.
A new dynasty was established when Queen Anne died.
Rococo had spread all over Europe
"The Spirit of the Laws" by CharlesLouis de Secondat
a new generation of philosophes had come to maturity
Rousseau published "The Social Contract"
Parliament imposed the Stamp Act on the colonies
The Second Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson
The Treaty of Paris recognized the independence of the American colonies
King Louis XVI convened a meeting of the French parliament
Members of the three estates met to choose their representatives
Members of the Third Estate realized that the traditional form of voting would leave them virtually powerless.
The members of the National Assembly found they were locked out of their meeting room,
Napoleon named himself “consul for life”