Scientific Revolution

  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to

    Scientific Revolution

  • Nov 12, 1501

    University of Padua

    The University of Padua, is a University in Padua, Italy. Founded in 1222, and was also were Copernicus studied medical studies for a few years.
  • Nov 12, 1543

    Revolution of the Heavenly Orbs

    Copernicus wrote the Revolution of the Heavenly Orbs, which explained the Heliocentric theory. This theory explained that the universe revolves around the sun, instead of everything revolving around the earth.
  • Nov 12, 1543


    Versalius is one of the most influential authors of the human anatomy of his time.
  • Nov 12, 1572

    Crab Nebula

    Crab Nebula was discovered during this time with the telescope, it is a pulsar wind nebula.
  • Nov 12, 1577

    1577 Comet

    In 1577 an amazing comet flew across the sky and was visible to most of Europe, and scientist Brahe observed it.
  • Giordano Bruno burnt

    Giordano Bruno was an astronomer, and took the Copernican theory to the next level saying that the sun is a star, he was called a heretic by Pope Clement VIII and was burnt at the stake.
  • Laws of Planetary Motion

    Kepler's first two laws of planetary motion were published now, they explained the planets orbitals and the distance between each and the sun.
  • Letter to Grand Duchess of Tuscany

    The Letter to Grand Duchess of Tuscany was written by Galileo and it spoke of the connections between the new scientific discoveries and the Bible.
  • Theory of Induction

    Approximately 1616, Francois Bacon announced his theory of induction, this theory became more popular in the 19th century.
  • Kepler's final Law of Planetary Motion

    In 1619, Kepler's final law of planetary motion was published, it explained the distance from the sun based on the revolution of the particular planet.
  • Novum Organum

    The Novum Organum was a book written by Francois Bacon, and it discussed the modern ideas of his time, and how they were different from previous concepts.
  • The Movement of the Heart and the Blood

    William Harvey wrote a book about the human heart and blood, called The Movement of the Heart and the Blood.
  • The Dialogue on Two World Systems

    The Dialogue on Two World Systems was a comparitive Italian book written by Galileo, comparing the Copernican theory and the original Ptolemaic system.
  • Galileo banned from Church

    Galileo was banned by the church, unless he took back what he said about the Copernican theory, and was put under house arrest .
  • The Discourse on Method

    The Discourse on Method was a intellectual book written by Rene Descartes, it is known for his famous quotation "I think, therefor I am".
  • Discourse of Two Scientists

    Discourse of Two Scientists was Galileo's final book and it discussed his studies of physics over the past years.
  • Theory of Deduction

    In approximately 1640, Descartes created the theory of deduction; "I think therefor I am".
  • Malpighi and Capillaries

    Malpighi was the first scientist to see capillaries in animals, as well as arteries and veins with the help of William Harvey's research.
  • Jean-Picard and Mars

    Jean-Picard announced on the front page of a news paper that by 1954 people would be able to fly to mars via balloons.
  • Three Laws of Motion

    In 1687 towards the end of the Scientific Revolution, Isaac Newton published his three laws of motion.
  • Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica

    Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica was Isaac Newton's most famous book where he discussed his three laws of motion.
  • Opticks

    Isaac Newton published his book on Opticks in 1704, it discussed the opticks refraction of light.