2 Billion World Pop.
Minamata Disaster
a disease caused by mercury poisoning. This happened when a company in Japan was pouring mercury into the water, then contaminating the fish with high levels of mercury. Symptoms of this disease range from numbness in hands and feet to, damage to hearing and speech. In some cases, insanity, paralysis, coma, and death may follow. After 2004, the company who did this paid $86 million in compensation and cleaned up the contamination that same year. -
3 Billion World Pop.
Rachel Carsons Silent Spring Published
Silent Spring is a book written by Rachel Carson, that was published in 1962, this book was about the environmental harm caused the use of DDT, which was a pesticide used by soldiers in WW2. This book was so known worldwide that it changed the pesticide policy and caused a nationwide ban on DDT for agricultural uses. -
Stockholm Conference
the Stockholm conference was a meeting of the UN that highlighted the issue of the environment at the time, and was the first major meeting to shed light over the growing issue of what was the environment. Many controversial issues were discussed at this meeting with things like pollution in the air, water, and many oceans and also the health of people around the world. -
Endangered Species Act
a law in the United States that was made to protect endangered and imperiled species from extinction. This act was signed to law by former president Richard Nixon in 1973. This law was two-fold, it was helpful to prevent extinction, and also to recover species to where they no longer needed to be protected and babysat by the law. -
4 Billion World Pop
Love Canal
Love canal is a neighborhood in Niagara Falls, New York. It became the epicenter of an environmental disaster of toxins and very poisonous chemicals being dumped into the neighborhood and its water. The neighborhood was built in 1890, with the canal being bought by a chemical company who used the canal to dump 19,800 tons of chemical byproducts from dyes to perfumes, to synthetic resins. In 1953 love canal was sold to the local school district for just $1. -
Bhopal Disaster
a disaster that happened in india, at the union carbide pesticide plant released 30 tons of the highly toxic gas, methyl isocyanate as well as other highly poisonous gases. The pesticide plant was surrounded by many small towns which lead to more than 600,000 people being exposed to a deadly gas cloud that stayed low to the ground. This disaster caused many victims throats and eyes to burn, it also gave them nausea, and many of these victims ended up dying. -
5 Billion World Pop.
Chernobyl Meltdown
the Chernobyl disaster was a nuclear fallout that happened because of the explosion of the NO. 4 reactor at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine. This disaster involved 500,000 personnel and cost around 18 billion Roubles, which is around $68B USD. Following the explosion, 2 engineers were killed, and 2 others were severely burned. -
Montreal Protocol
The Montreal protocol is similar to the Kyoto protocol, but instead of going after co2 emissions, the Montreal protocol highlights substances that deplete the ozone layer, and what we can do to fix that problem, the Montreal protocol was agreed in 1987. -
Kyoto Protocol
The Kyoto Protocol was an international treaty that was made to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, based on the idea that global warming is being driven by human-made co2 emissions. The Kyoto protocol implemented the objective to reduce global warming, by reducing greenhouse gas in the atmosphere -
6 Billion World Pop.
An Inconvenient Truth
An Inconvenient Truth was a documentary film written by former vice president, Al Gore. That was released in 2006 that covered the threat that climate change posed the earth, as well as going over its cause’s effects and potential resolutions. This film highlighted the problem of global warming, and many more things alike. -
7 Billion World Pop.
8 Billion World Pop.