Sputnik 1
First Satellite launched in space. Launched by Russia. Designed to carry soviet nuclear weapons -
Period: to
Space Exploration
First Man to enter space
Yuri Gagarin becomes the first man to enter space. He orbited Earth once and stayed in space for an hour and tewnty nine minutes, (Part of Mercury Program) -
Freedom 7
Alan Shepard becomes first American man to enter space. He stayed in space for fifteen minutes and twenty eight seconds. (Part of Mercury Program) -
Friendship 7
John Glenn becomes first American Man to go into orbit. Total flight time was just shy of five hours -
Apollo 1
Apollo 1 sets on fire during a launch pad test killing all three astronauts inside (Virgil Grissom, Edward White, and Roger Chaffee). -
Apollo 11
Astonauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin become the first men to walk on moon. Was brodcasted on televison for millions of people to watch all over the world. They collected soil samples and moon rocks. -
Apollo 13
known as a sucessful disaster. Intended to be the third spacecraft to land on space but was aborted after two days due to an oxygen tank explosion which crippled the servicde module. The service module was what the command module depended on -
Pioneer 10
Earth`s first space probe to an outer planet. Also first space craft to travel through the asteroidbelt between Jupiter and Mars. First space craft to make direct observations of Jupiter and take close up pictures of the planet. Also first man made object to leave the solar system -
United States launched its first experimental space station. Proved humans could live and work in space for an extended amount of time. Three three-man crews lived and worked in the skylab space station for a total of 171 days , 13 hours. -
Apollo-Soyuz Test Project
first manned space flight to test cooperated space rescue and docking -
Viking 1
First orbiter and lander sent to mars. Landed safley on mars. For six years sent back the first pictures and data from the martain lands -
Voyager 2
one out of two space crafts sent out nby NASA to study Jupiter and Saturn. Was supposed to a five year mission however both voyager 1 and voyager 2 continue sending back information from these planets 37 years later today -
STS-7 (Challenger)
Sally Ride becoomes the first American woman to enter space. Great acomplishment for woman. -
STS-8 Challenger
Guion S. Bluford, Jr. becomes the first African-American man to enter space. Great accomplishment for the African-American society. -
STS-51L Challenger
NASA`s first huge catastrophe as the shuttle explodeed 73 seconds after takeoff with seven crew member aboard. All seven members sadly passed away -
Sent to study Jupiter and all its moons. Took six years to reach destination. Dsintegrated in Jupiter`s atmosphere in setember of 2003 -
Hubble Space Telescope
named after Edwin Hubble. Placed into orbit by crew members of the space shuttle Discovery. Pitures it took revolutionized the feild of astronomy -
International space station
crew of expedition one, Bill Sheperd, Yuri Gidzenko, and Sergei Krikalev dock at international space station. Are the first to take residence at the international space station. Lived there for seven months. -
Columbia Space Shuttle
crew of seven astronauts is lost after a 16-day mission, when shuttle explodes on re-entry. Cause of accedent was due to damage sustained to foam insulation. Helped let NASA understand how to safley repair simlar damage on furture space missions -
first privately built craft to reach outer space.