Discovery of Bacteria - Antony Leeuwenhoek - 1670
In the 1670's, Antony Leeuwenhoek discovered bacteria when he created/crafted the first lenses that were able to observe microbial life.
Bacteria have been attracting a tremendous amount of attention in the modern world for various reasons. Scientists and governments are growing increasingly concerned about the mutating genes of bacteria, the illnesses they can cause, and the threat they pose to human life. -
Period: to
Discovery (and history) of Bacteria, Medicine, Antibiotics and Immunization
Science Assessment D - Science of large and small - CHEYENNE YU 08U12M -
Bacterium Lactis
Joseph Lister publishes his study of lactic acid fermentation of milk on 4/1/1878(d/m/y) .
To demonstrate this fact he devised a procedure to obtain a pure culture of Bacterium Lactis (which causes milk souring and pungent odor), a result that had not previously been achieved for any microorganism that we know of. He demonstrated its role in the lactic acid fermentation of milk, and from this result he deducted that infectious diseases of humans are the result of microorganisms inside humans. -
Typhoid vaccine
The first effective vaccine for typhoid was developed by Almroth Edward Wright and was introduced for military use in 1896. This made a significant improvement to the health of soldiers at war, who were more likely to be killed by typhoid than in combat at that time. This vaccine was further developed over the following years in London. This is an example of a vaccine, which have significantly decreased death rates and have had a huge impact on our well being and society. -
Discovery of Penecillin
Dr. Fleming found that a mold called Penicillium notatum had contaminated his Petri dishes. After carefully placing the dishes under his microscope, he was amazed to find that the mold prevented the normal growth of the bacteria he was growing (Staphylococci) . His conclusions after examining it turned out to be phenomenal - there was some factor in the mold that not only inhibited the growth of the bacteria but more importantly, might be used to combat diseases and save countless lives. -
MMR vaccine (Maurice Hilleman)
On March 21st, 1963, Maurice Hilleman woke to find his daughter infected with the perilous disease- Mumps. The doctor then sampled his daughter's case of mumps with a swab at the back of her throat. He then created the Vaccine for this, which was eventually used for the MMR vaccine in the later future. Maurice Hilleman likewise created or perfected many other vaccines, 9 of which are in the top 14 for children, and in HK, is provided for the children (Government Issued for one year olds ) . -
More About Bacteria
Bacteria are single-cell organisms that are neither plants nor animals.They usually measure a few micrometers in length and exist together in communities of millions.A gram of soil typically contains about 40 million bacterial cells. A milliliter of fresh water usually holds about one million bacterial cells. This means that it is easy to be infected with diseases, whether through water supply, food, etc. Bacteria are so small that more than 5000 can fit into a MILLIMETER . (Half a micron each). -
Sources 1
https://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/07/health/maurice-hilleman-mmr-vaccines-forgotten-hero.html https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20503823