Period: Jan 20, 1550 to
Medicine Timeline
First microscope
Blood circulation
William Harvey explains the circulation of blood in humans -
First cells
Robert Hooke describes the first cells -
First bacteria
Leeuwenhoek sees first bacteris -
first vaccine
Edward Jenner invents the first vaccine (for smallpox) -
Queen Victoria
Queen of England from 1837 to 1901 -
Morton demonstrates first anesthesia -
hand washing
Semmelwiess discovers washing hands prevents infection -
cholera epidemic
10,000 people die of cholera in London because of contaminated water -
Cell Theory
Cell Theory developed -
Theory of Evolution
Darwin publishes Origin of Species -
Germ Theory
Luois Pasteur invents Pasteurization to kill bacteria and states cell theory -
American Civil War
American Civil Was 1861 - 1865 -
Roentgen discovers xrays by accident -
Blood Groups
Landsteiner discovers 4 human blood groups -
Chromosome Theory
Chromosome Theory is developed by Sutton and Boveri -
World War I from 1914 to 1918. Flu epidemic! -
Wolrd War II 1939-1945 -
Penicillin is discovered by Fleming and first used to cure bacterial infections -
Organ transplants
Structure of DNA described by Watson and Crick -
Smallpox eradicated worldwide