Morning 025


By BSizzle
  • Theres a hair in my Dirt

    Theres a hair in my Dirt
    This is a book that tells about humans affecting the environment
    today i learned that we can effect the environment even aren't trying to
  • Biotic/Abiotic

    Living or someting that came from living thing,
    never living
  • Venn Diagram

    I made a three way Venn diagram
    with Mr. Wood, Grapes, and Corpse
  • Trophic Levels

    10% moves up the food chain
    90% is used for heat
  • Mountains

    i learned that animals know what they are doing. it is very interesting seeing animals in action.
  • Urban Sprawl

    Urban Sprawl is low density, automobile dependent development beyond the edge of service and employment areas. It is ubiquitous and its effects are impacting the quality of life in every region of America, in our large cities and small towns.
  • Resources

    this is an assignment that we did today. very grueling
  • Water life

    We watched a movie on Life in the Water
  • science

    today we did something in science
  • Period: to


    we learned science things that i dont remeber
  • food chains

    we did an interactive food chain activity. i was a mouse
  • From land to Mouth

    today we finished a assignment of things that we eat
  • Phisycal properties

    We divided things up into groups. Some of the groups for this were: child toys, kitchen utensials, micelanous, sucky things, and science things
  • Chemical Property of a light switch

    solubility electrom motive force and, reactivity
  • Physical and chemical properties.

    is windiness a physical or chemical propertiy of air.
    it is a physical property because it is still air. it is like water
  • Chemical and Pysical Properties

    how can you tell what chemical properties a substance has?
    you can tell by what happens when two things react, or change color
  • Phase Changes

    Phase changes are sublmatiation, melting,freezing, evaporate, condensation, deposition. solid, liquid, and gas
  • Chemical and Physical change

    how do you tell the difference gaseous physical & chemical change?
    the smell and color
  • Chemical and Pyisycal Properties

    Sugar Carmelizes over a fire.
    iodine just gets absorbed.
    water doesnt always mix with sugar
  • Unknown substance

    the unknown substance is coffee creamer. it makes water, vinegar, iodine balls and doesnt mixs
  • Atoms

    i learned today about all of the theories of atoms. the most recent is the wave theorie. also time in space is faster
  • Atomic Structure

    add a proton, have more of them it is +
  • Isotope

    what partical determines an ion? isotope?
    the electron determines the ion.
    the neutron determines the isotope.
  • PTable

    what do the columns on the periodic table represent?
    they represent the differences and the amount of atoms in the nucleus.
  • atoms

    we did a worksheet on atoms then john took a test :-)