Current NSD
Myriad of devices for students - older desktops w/CRTs, newer desktops w/LCDs, chromebooks, iPods, and netbooks; for teachers - PCs, MACs, and iPads; for administrators - PCs, MACs, android and iphones, and iPads. Large carts roam campuses to deploy technology to students or students visit site computer labs. Technology is primarily used for access to "District" or "Site" purchases software/programs. -
Period: to
Purchase of Additional Devices, Gr 3-6
Use of LCAP funds to purchase chromebooks for all grade 3-6 classrooms including special education. Purchase of charging stations - fixed and mobile depending on space and needs. -
Stakeholder Vision Refinement
Tech Plan Committee members come together to further refine the process for continued procurement of technology, determination of expectations, and suggested ways of staff training. -
Period: to
Vision Refinement
What are the expectations for staff and students; this includes looking at learning environments and making them more conducive for 21st one-to-one learning -
Stakeholders Revisit Vision
Identification of Training Needs & Models for 16-17 (ongoing)
Vision of 21st Century Libraries
Gr 3-6 One-to-One
Use of LCAP funds to purchase and deploy chromebooks for all grade 3-6 classrooms including special education. Purchase of charging stations - fixed and mobile depending on space and needs. -
ELA Materials Aligned to ELA RCD Units
ELA & Writing CCSS Committee and additional staff meet to begin to determine ELA curricular materials needs that correlate and support implementation of the RCD ELA Units of Study. -
Period: to
ELA & Writing CCSS Curricular Meetings
Period: to
Purchase of Additional Devices, K-2
Google Summit
Revisit Vision for School Libraries
Work on Updating District Tech Plan
Period: to
Implementing New ELA Materials with RCD ELA Units of Study
Determine Training Needs
Determine Ongoing Device Needs
Summer Tech Training
Period: to
First Half of 2017-2018 School Year
Google Summit
Select and Train Tech Coaches
Period: to
Teacher Coaching in the Classroom
Identify K-2 Tech Needs
K-2 Teacher Tech Training
Period: to
First Half of 2018-2019 School Year
Incorporate Tech into RCD Units
Identify PS & TK Student and Teacher Needs
Google Summit
Period: to
Train Tech Coaches
PS & TK Teacher Training
Determine Ongoing Device Needs
Summer Tech Training
Review Annual Tech Program Eval
Period: to
First Half of 2020 School Year
Identify Tech Training Needs for 2019-2020
Revisit 21st Library Vision and Imp Plan
Revisit Tech Plan