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Schools in the Year 2020

  • Period: to

    Schools from now to 2020

  • Additional Tech Know Teachers!

    Add additional Tech Know Teachers and enable other teachers to learn about what TKT have been piloting.
  • Haiku Page for Staff

    Continue to utilize Haiku pages for all staff meetings.
  • Student usernames

    All students, including K and 1st, will have user specific logins so teachers can begin to use Google Classroom with younger students as well.
  • Teacher supports for technology

    All teachers will participate in technology-based professional development to ensure they understand the purpose and direction of the District's plan for implementation of technology in classrooms.
  • Homework Changes

    Grades 3-5 will have the option to create all homework assignments online only.
  • After School Program

    Allow ASP to have kids complete homework assignments through technology.
  • WiFi Hot Spot

    Make the school site a WiFi hot spot so students can use their devices after hours to complete homework and projects!
  • Lunch finger print scanners

    Students can pay for their lunches quickly by placing their fingerprints on a screen instead of typing in student ID numbers.
  • No More Paper Assignments

    All teachers will be using online tools to assign tasks (elimiate that paper!).