Schools in 2020

By cdeegan
  • Focus on Computer Labs and iPad carts to facilitate testing

    Schools are getting the hardware set up in order to enable the testing process for entire student body within reasonable window of time.
  • Period: to

    Completion of this decade

  • Transition from CST to SBAC Pilot

    CST reduced drastically. Schools are piloting SBAC on large scale
  • SBAC administered as baseline test

    SBAC administered to be scored and baselines established for proficiency ranges
  • Students Develop Personal Digital Portfoloios

  • Interstate Collaboration frequent in classrooms

  • SBAC Administered/ Scores affect API

  • First API released since August 2013

  • 1 to 1 Devices K-12

  • Keyboarding skills taught to mastery in primary grades

  • Pedagogical Strategies more Inquiry Based

  • Global Collaboration within classrooms

  • Students grouped based on abilty rather than age

  • Digital Portfolio part of the Graduation Requirements

  • 100% Digital Textbooks