Education 11

Schools in 2020

  • Online registriation and electronic signatures

    Parents and students can register, sign electronically, and get all necessary forms, documents, and packets online
  • Ebooks for All

    Students use Ebooks for all subjects instead of paper and hardback.
  • High School Career Personalization

    Each student will receive a more personalized hgh school 4 year plan instead of all students following generic requirements. Plans will be based on student plans for future goals and career path.
  • High School to College/Trade School Credit Transfer

    As high school 4 year plans are personalized to students, trade schools and colleges will allow credit transfer from hgh school to college instead of generic testing using AP tests or repetition of the same course again in college.
  • Integrated Computer Desks

    Computers and desks become integrated into one device with touch screen desktops. Desks are "plugged" into spots on the floor for charging at night, but moveable during use.