
School Punishments from 1850-1960

  • Lashes

    A kid gets a certain amount of lashes for doing something he is not supposed to. For swearing at school you would get 8 lashes and for fighting at school you would get 5 lashes.
  • Dunce's cap

    Dunce's cap
    If you did something wrong in school, sometimes you would have to wear a dunce's cap. The dunce's cap symbolizes a disgrace.
  • Caning

    Back in the 1800´s, caning was a punishment for bad children. If you were not following the rules you would get a caning.
  • ruler smack

    ruler smack
    In the 1800's and 1900's many students were smacked with a ruler to pay for what they had done wrong.
  • Sitting in the Corner Punishment

    Sitting in the Corner Punishment
    When kids were not listening or behaving in class, they would have to put there nose on a knob on the wall or put there nose on the chalkboard during class.