School of the Future

  • GEMS Winchester School Opens

    School opens as with 700 students in the Primary section.
  • Period: to

    Expansion Phase 1

    School gros to 2300 students
  • Period: to

    The standard classroom setting

    Paradigm of a single teacher teaching 30 students in a physical setting
  • Middle School opens for Year 7 & 8 Students

    School expands to over 2300 students with the opening og the middle School on the same site.
  • Period: to

    Expansion Phase 2

    School grows to full capacity with 3300 students.
  • BYOD Termly Projects introduced

    In order to embed BYOD into the school we collapsed the timetable at the end of Term 2 for Middle School students and introduced collaborative projects for them to complete on several topics.
  • Middle School grows to full capacity

  • Replacement of text books with pre-loaded mobile devices

    Replace all text books/exercise books that students need to purchase each year with a mobile/Tabet device which have e-book versions of the text books pre-loaded.
  • Decentralise classroom technology

    Move away from centralised technology model of ICT labs and computers in classroom.
  • Digital lessons

    Video lessons for students to follow both.
  • Digitised classrooms

    Digitised classrooms with wall-sized screens, peer-to-peer learning environments, paperless, technologically efficient facilitators,mobile learning platforms and school designed learning platforms.
  • Period: to

    Digitised classroom environment

  • Inter-school teaching platforms

  • Student developed learning apps/materials