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School Nutrition Programs

  • School Nutrition Act

    This was put in place by the 79th congress in order to ensure children get the proper nutrients and food needed. Provided underprivledged students lunch at school no matter the cost.
  • Milk Program

    This program originated in Chicago in 1940 and later became part of the Child Nutrition Act in 1960. This provided poor children fresh milk for a low price.
  • National School Lunch Week

    This week is dedicated to make healthy choices and provide awareness for the benefits of eating a healthy school lunch.
  • Breakfast Program

    This program was made permanent in 1975 to ensure every student would get a healhty breakfast for free or for a reduced cost.
  • Department of Defense Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Program

    This program offers fresh fruit and vegetables to military bases and schools throughout the USA. This offers fresh fruits and vegetables to people who do not have access or cannot afford it at the normal cost.
  • Lets Move Program

    This program was started to prevent childhood obesity. This program offers parent with information on how to ensure their children are having healthy lives. This also focuses on providing healthy food in schools.