Milk Program
It was made part of the Child Nutrition Act in 1960. This act provided needy children with a low price pint of whole milk. -
Free and Reduced Lunch Program
This act provides students with a lunch for free or at a reduced price baeed on the family's income. -
Breakfast Program
This act provides students with a healthy breakfast at a free or reduced price. It is also based on family income. -
Department of Defense Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program
This program delivers fresh fruits and vegetables to schools and military bases. The schools and bases do not have to use their funds for the fresh fruits and vegetables. -
Hunger Free Kids Act
This act provides more funding for school lunch. It supports more fresh fruits and vegetables, raises nutritional standards in child care facilities, allows for the USDA to raise quality standards for school breakfasts and lunches, and it encourages the farm-to-school program and for schools to plant gardens. It pretty much encourages wellness and nutrition in the lunchroom setting. -
Lets Move Act
This act is dedicated to solving the problems of childhood obesity. This act offers advice, promotes healthy foods, and also encourages physical activity for the child and adult.