Free and Reduced Lunch
Free and Reduced Lunch provides lunch at a reduced cost for low-income families. This is a great program because people should eat no matter what and it increases students productivity. From personal experience I know this program is abused. A lot of students who do not need free lunch are on it so this should be more carefully watched by the government. -
Special Milk Program
The Special Milk Program started in 1954 but became a law in 1966. This program reimburses schools for giving students free milk. I think this is a great event because the government is giving schools free milk. This helps students get their dairy which a lot of students do not receive at home. Dairy is very important for students bones to develop. -
Child Nutrition Act
The Child Nutrition Act extended governments efforts to feed children healthy and nutritious food. This program is good because all students are required to go to lunch during the school day. When there are healthy food options as oppose to all junk food for the students to eat, students are forced to get in their nutrients. The act legally encouraged schools to have healthier food. The Child Nutrition Act being enforced in as a law made it effective. -
Breakfast Program
The Student Breakfast Program was started in 1975. This program gives all students the possibility to eat a nutrient friendly breakfast. I like this program because it gives all students and opportunity to eat breakfast that is not always available at home. This program allows schools to offer two meals. If this program was not available then a lot of students would not have opportunity to have two nutrient meals. -
DoD Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program
The DoD Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program started in 1995. This program made fresh Fruit and Vegetables delivered to schools. This program is great because it provides students with fresh fruit and vegetables.This encourages students to eat healthier foods. As well as give students the opportunity to eat better. -
Let Move Program!
The Let Move Program! started in 2010. This program teaches parents and children about nutrients. This program is great because it taught people about how to end obesity. During childhood parents set up their children for the rest of their life. Eating right and exercise should be encouraged.