School Nutrition Act - 1946
This was created as a result of the military rejecting men due to their health-related problems. This is a very important act. It allowed kids and schools to gain many programs that would help feed the children. Not only did these programs help feed them, but it helped feed them healthy food. This would ensure a healthier lifestyle. -
Free/Reduced Lunch - 1946
This gives students a free/reduced priced lunch. This is based on family income. This is important because it allows families with a low income to still feed their child. This takes a burden off the family because they can give food to their children at a lower cost. They could even get the food for free. -
Special Milk Program - 1954
This reimburses schools for the milk they give. It extended into the Child Nutrition Act in 1970. This is important because milk is a necessity. Milk is especially important to kids in school, because it helps them grow up strong and smart starting at a young age. It helps the schools out by giving them back some of their money, so they really don't pay too much for it. -
Child Nutrition Act - 1966
It was created to help the nutritional needs of children. Nutrition is very important. Without it, you can't grow up healthy. So, the government's help is important because they can provide more nutrition to children in need. This helps them in school and in life in general. -
Pilot Breakfast Program-1966
This was created to reimburse up to 80% of the costs of breakfast in schools with bad economic statuses. It ended in 1968. But, it did help while it lasted. By reimbursing a lot of money to schools for the breakfast they pay for, it allows them to purchase more things. It even allowed some schools to provide as much breakfast as they did. -
Reauthorizing Hunger-Free Kids Act-2010
This is to provide more funding for school lunch. It also supports fresher fruits and vegetables in the cafeteria. This is key to helping schools provide enough food for their students. In addition, it encourages and allows schools to provide healthy food for children. Kids don't need to be given unhealthy food all the time, so it's important that they receive the fruits and vegetables necessary to their diets.