I remember watching Teletubbies at my aunts house. Its the earliest show I can remember -
I went to this school at the church over by head start for a while. My teacher was Mrs. Patty, and shes the nicest lady you'll ever meet. We learned things from the bible to how to spell and read and write. I remember spelling pizza my first time and it was mind boggling to me. -
Little League Soccer
I've been playing soccer since i was 3 years old. I've loved the sport and it will always have a place in my heart. -
Head start
The church school only lasted so long, so I ended up going to a new school called head start. There we did higher reading, bigger math, and better spelling. This was still technically pre-school, yet we were reading 1st grade level books, doing 3 by 2 addition like 327+45 and spelling decently difficult words for our age. -
Period: to
Elementary School
Elementary was a wild ride. I was always reading a few grades ahead, but I never have been able to spell the best, although I have an extensive vocabulary. I remember in first grade my teacher Mrs. McClain let me read a book to my entire class. I don't remember what the book was, but I sure read it. -
Elementary School Picture
Fourth grade Mock Trail
I'm still so upset about this. The trial was over Peter Rabit and if he was assaulted by the old man. I was the prosecuter, AND I GOT A CONFESSION OUT OF THE OLD MAN AND EVERYTHING and still lost because he talked low and no one heard him. I'm so mad -
middle school soccer
Middle school soccer is probably why I am who I am. It introduced me to the man i look up to the most, Coach Russous. I always knew to be nice and respectful, but this man drilled it into our skulls. My seventh grade year we won districts, and that was the first time BCMS has won districts. I remember the feeling as if it were yesterday. -
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Middle Schools
Middle school was kinda fun. I miss it kinda but I don't at the same time. My sixth grade reading teacher was Mr. Baker, and i owe him all my success in this field. He taught he to think the way i think, and be ready to think in a new way to get the right answer. -
Middle School Picture
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High School
This is the latest chapter in my life. The only thing about it is its not close to complete and that's always fun, so looks like my literacy timeline will have to be updated in a while. Until then, good luck Charlie -
This year is my sophomore year. I dont know how, but i plan to pass in flying colors -
High school picturte