Period: to
SB - French Revolution
Tennis Court Oath
The National Asembly's meeting location is closed, so they meet at a tennis court, and claim that they will not move untill they get a revolution. This is significant, because it starts the revolution. -
Louis's trial.
King Louis was put on trial for betraiying France, and got the same punishment as any other person would get. This is significant, because it marked the ultamate sucsess for the revolutionaries. -
Storming of the Bastille
The people needed gunpowder that was keept at Bastille for the revolution, so they invaded it. This is significant, because it was the first act of violence in the revolution. -
Declaration of Rights of Man
The Declaration of the Rights of Man abolished class distinction. It stated that sovernty belonged to the people, and everyone was equal. In additon, you had freedom to publish what ever you would like to say. This is significant, because the people were declared equal. -
March to versailles
The women realized the impact, and wanted King Louis to sign the rights of man. This is significant, because its the first point when women actualy cared. -
Attacks on Prisons
People continued to caryo out trials and kill people. 1600 people were killed. THis is significant, because it was a very larege amout of people that died durring the massacure. -
The Terror
The terror was a long time period that lasted until July 28, 1794, in which everyone was afriad of the gillotine. Even the slightest suspicion of someone being in favor of the republic, and they would be sent to the gillotine. This is significant, because may innocent people were killed, and everyone was afraid. -
Robespierre's Death
Robspierre was arrested and declared an outllaw. He attempted suicide, but failed and was exicuted. This is significant, because it ended the terror.