When I was born
On April 8th, 2001, at 4:00 am, my mom was giving my dog, Harry, water in his dish when she realized she was about to have me. I was born at St. Josephs Hospital, in Pontiac, Michigan. -
My trip to Florida
On June 28th, 2003, my mom, brother, sister, and I flew down to Florida to see my uncle and 3 cousins. We had so much fun swimming in the ocean and visiting family. We also got to visit Disney Land and I got to meet Chip and Dale. -
Camping In Disney World
On July 7th, 2003, my family, including my uncle and cousins, and I went camping at the Walt Disney World campground. We all had lots of fun. I also got to see Rollie Pollie Ollie and Bear In The BIg Blue House live. -
Meeting WeeklyChris
On December 29, 2014, my family was having a Christmas dinner like we do ever year, but this year we had it at Golden Corral. I got up to use the bathroom, nobody else was at the resturaunt because of how late it was. I noticed there were a group of people sitting at one of the tables, and one of the kids caught my eye because he looked so familiar. I walked into the bathroom and it hit me. He was one of the YouTubers that I watch. I walked out and got a picture with him. -
Austin Jones Concert, My First Concert.
On January 9th, 2015, I went to my first concert with my best friend Alex. We met 2 of our other friends there. We went to a venue called The Flint Local 432. Austin Jones was playing and I got to meet him along with a few other people. It was pretty cool being my first concert. It gave me a good feeling. What an awesome night! -
Digi Tour 2015
On Februrary 24th, 2015, my friend Heather and I went to Digi Tour in Royal Oak. It's a thing where famous Youtubers/Viners talk and put on a show for us. It was crazy, so many people were there! After the show, we went out by there tour buses and waitied for 3 HOURS for them to come out so we could meet them. I got to meet them all (one in the picture). It was a cool expierce. -
Metro Station Concert
On March 5th, 2015, Brooklyn and I left school early to drive to Grand Rapids for a concert. I got to meet one of my favorite singers, Braden Barrie. I was so happy I got to see him. This was probably the coolest concert i've ever been to. Metro Station put on a phaneomenal show. One of the guys in the band held my hand when he was singing and when he let go, he had given me his guitar pick. Best night ever. -
All Time Low Concert
On May 17th, 2015, my best friend Alex and I went to an All Time Low concert. We were so very excited. There were over 5,000 people there! The lights flashing gave me the worst head ache, but it was really cool. I swear I went deaf after though. We also got to see State Champs,Tonight Alive, and Issues before All Time Low came on. They all were really good bands too. We didn't get home until 1 AM, and I stayed at Alex's and we skipped school the next day (: -
Hollywood Ending
On June 9th, 2015, Brooklyn and I went to a Hollywood Ending concert in Pontiac. Brooklyn passed out and landed on the stage. One of the guys who was getting ready to sing helped her up and gave her water. After the show, we hung out with the two guys for about 45 minutes. Now, we are good friends and we get to talk to them all the time. That was also a great night. -
My Trip to Sunny San Diego
On July 10th, 2015, my grandma and I flew out to California. We stayed at her house in Rancho San Diego, where I got my own room with a bathroom in it. The view from the window in the room was incredible. When I look out, all I could see were city lights high on the mountains. There were lights lighting up the night. Her house was on a hill, so there were houses below us. It was an amazing view. Being there gave me the greatest adventure of my life. I got to try and see many different things. -
La Jolla
On July 23rd, 2015, my granmda, Erica, her kids, and I went to the La Jolla caves. We had to walk down a long and tiny staircase into the cave. Afterwards, we went and walked on the tide pools. It was really cool being able to go and see the things I did that day. I also got to put my finger in an enenimy. That was weird. -
Sunset Cliffs
On July 26, 2015, my grandma, her husband, and I went over to Sunset Cliffs. It's right on the ocean, so it was cold, but beautiful. After that, we went to the beach and walked on the pier. It was such a peaceful night. -
San Diego Zoo
On July 27th, 2015, my granmda, Erica, Jolai, Josana, Josel, and I went to the San Diego Zoo. This was the biggest zoo ever. We got to see these 3 people, who are acrobats, jump around and do really cool things. We stayed all day, but of course we didn't get to see everything, it was too big. I heard that if you want to see everything, it would take you 2-3 days. Before we left, they bought me an ant eater stuffed animal as a going home present. -
Bondfire at Mission Beach Bay.
On August 5th, 2015, my grandma, her husband, some of my family, and I went to Mission Beach Bay to have a bondfire. We made smores, talked, watched fireworks, walked to Starbucks and back, and hung out. We set up our chairs in the sand around the pit, watching the calm water sit and reflect the evening sunset. It was pretty cool, I wish I could do that more often. -
On Spetember 19th, 2015, Brooklyn, her date, Abbey, and I got picked up and went out to dinner in Auburn Hills. After that, we went to our houses to get our tickets, and then we showed up at Homecoming fashionably late. At the end of the night, my best friend Alex and I went back to my house and hung out. It was a fun night. Homecoming wasn't what I thought it'd be, but it was fun.