SARS Timeline

  • Cases of SARS appear in Guangdong Province

    Cases of SARS appear in Guangdong Province
    The inital cases of SARS appeared in Guangdong during November 2002
  • First person to Identify virus (Dr Carlo Urban)

    First person to Identify virus (Dr Carlo Urban)
    First victim was Johnny Chen and his doctor first identified the virus.
  • Outbreaks of pneumonia in Vietnam hospitals

    Outbreaks of pneumonia in Vietnam hospitals
  • Index Case

    Index Case
    The WHO realized that the index case was in the Metropole (hotel in HK). The first victims had all visited the hotel (9th floor).
  • 2nd Toronto Outbreak

    2nd Toronto Outbreak
    Another 5 cases was reported in Toronto. This is Toronto's second outbreak.
  • Chinese confess the cases were higher than said

    Chinese confess the cases were higher than said
    The Chinese government state that there were actually more cases than they said. From 22 cases to 339.
  • Outbreaks in 4 places

    Outbreaks in 4 places
    Outbreaks in Hanoi, Hong Kong, Toronto and Singapore.
  • Taiwan Chaos

    Taiwan Chaos
    More than 150 doctors and staff quit their jobs in hospitals in one week. 9 major hospitals were shut down.
  • HK is safe :))

    HK is safe :))
    HK has been declared safe!
  • Taiwan is free!!

    Taiwan is free!!
    Taiwan has been declared free of SARS! Now, SARS is free around the world!!