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Saraswathi’s education

  • Pre-school

    In pre-school I exchandes 2 schools because the first school was too big and I was very scared so I switched to and other school and I don’t really remember which school I joined and I heard of my parents telling about it. I joined pre-school at the age of 3 to 4 I think and till I was 8 years I was very much scared about big and tall building or school.
  • Little kids UKG

    Little kids UKG
    I was in UKG in a school called Little kids which was in my hometown, and as it is in the name it was a very small schooland small playground but it was very fun and as now we all talk english but when I was in this school in was my mother tounge which we were talking. I was 5 years old and everyday my grand mother was dropping and to the school in the morning. One of my favourite teacher was a english teacher because she once helped me with my test that I din’t know the spelling of knife.
  • 1st grade Orion school

    1st grade Orion school
    This school was very nice and I remember some stuff we did in this school and at that time I din’t know how to speak English and and read and in this school we had a lot of opportunities to have fun and we were able to play in the park which has slides and etc and we could also play with clay, sand and stuff but the experiance was very nice and I also remember that I din’t have many friend to talk and be with and like everyone do, I was also crying to go to school.
  • 2nd grade

    2nd grade
    For 2nd grade I angain came back to the school which I sudied UKG and I we all shifted to my hometown. We all shifted to bangalore because my mom was sick so we had to the take to the hospital and after a year in bangalore we all came back to our hometown and I was very happy to come back to my old school and some of my friends was still there till 2nd grade.
  • Again 2nd grade

    Again 2nd grade
    I studied 2nd grade in a new school beacse someone said that to study 2nd grade again and my partes shifted me to another school which was like half an hour travelling in a car and i was leaving in the morning and coming back in the evening with my sister and my father’s friend’s children and we would have and lot of fun during the half an hour. We all once after school went to a moutain which was near our school secretlly without knowing to our parents.
  • 4th Grade in CIS

    4th Grade in CIS
    As it was covid the online clasess were very nice and I still miss the online classes because it was very fun and the secret was I was eatinfg during all the classes like everyone do, but it was a very good experiance and at the starting of 4th grade I was very much crying because i din’t know how to talk english and that was the first time I have ever talking clear english. The teacher was Mr. Will and he was very strict and always be scloding us all by at the last week it was very nice.
  • 5th Grade in CIS

    5th Grade in CIS
    My 5th grage was half year in online and half yean offline and the 2nd week of the school stated it was my birthday on 25th of august and and other person in my class too and they all celebrated my and the other friend which I don’t know who together on one day but the class was a free time and we played a lot og games like mostly we play once a week which was among us and it was so fun to a=be an imposter and play with the class, thr offline was normal and that was the first time I saw CIS.
  • 6th Grade in CIS

    6th Grade in CIS
    It has been the half year in 6th grade and I relly like it and I think mostly I am moving to dubai for my studies so I feel really sad to leave this school and I had a very nice and kind teachers, and a lot of friends. This is the 2nd semester and it is very much more fun than the 1st sem. I just think that this is the best schools that I have been till now. I am very happy that I joined this school and got a lot of good friends and good people and over all I have a fantastic experiance.