Sara's Timeline

  • My birth

    I was born in Honduras, out of the country, born and raised there for about 3 years.
  • First time I saw snow

  • Moved From Central America to North America

    I moved before I turned 3
  • My sister was born

    I became an older sister, we are 3 years and 3 months apart
  • First meeting some of my cousins

  • first time sledding

    I went sledding with my preschool, but I didn't have any snow clothes or snow equipment, because we had just recently moved here.
  • Went to Kindergarten

    First day of school. Well elementary school. I went to Chamisa Elementary school from Kinder through 6th grade.
  • I made my first friend.

    My first friend is Dahlia, today she is an atomic hawk, and i'm still friends with her.
  • I accepted Jesus into my heart

    It was at night when It happened. My parents told me to tell everyone I knew at school the next day. I did exactly what they told me, but no one was Christian at that school. But I still did it anyways. And im proud of accepting Jesus into my heart.
  • First time riding a REAL horse

    It was fun but it was very cold.
  • My first Gymnastics meet

  • Benji!! Our first pet, a dog.

    The first pet we ever had is a dog. His name is Benji, and we adopted him when he was about 2 months old. He was very small and timid when we brought him into our home. He is now 2 1/2 years old.
  • 6th Grade Graduation.

    It was the last day of school, and we were graduating from Elementary school. It was fun except that 3 teachers retired.