Sara's Life

  • Sara's Early Days: Trust Versus Mistrust

    Sara is born and due to her uncertainties about the world looks toward her caregivers for consistent care, support and stability. In Erikson's first stage, trust versus mistrust, the crisis is between learning trust early on in life by having consistent, predictable and reliable care or developing an inability to trust due to receiving care the is inconsistent, unpredictable and unreliable which can lead to anxiety, fear, and mistrust throughout there life.
  • Sara's Marriage To Weston: Intimacy versus Isolation

    Sara and Weston decided to marry and spend the rest of there lives together and celebrate the union of both of there lives. In Erikson's sixth stage, intimacy versus isolation, the crisis is between opening ourselves up intimately with individuals outside our families and developing long term commitments in relationships, leading to a sense of commitment, care and safety, or avoiding intimacy and opening up and fearing commitment and relationships which can lead to isolation, and loneliness.
  • Sara and Weston Become Parents: Generativity versus Stagnation

    Sara and Weston become parents to a little boy and devote much of there lives to raising there child the best they can and contributing to society and giving there lives even more meaning. In Erikson's seventh stage, generativity versus stagnation, the crisis is between giving back to society and becoming part of a bigger picture, feeling useful and accomplished, or failing to find ways to contribute, leading to feeling stagnant, unproductive, and uninvolved in the world.