
Sandra 4ºD events

  • Einstein publishes his theory of general relativity

    Einstein publishes his theory of general relativity
    In 1905 in Germany Einstein completed his theory of general relativity due to it he predicted several phenomena that have been confirmed and are the experimental evidence of the theory
  • Period: to

    Most important events of the 20th Century

  • Henry Ford installs the first assembly line

    Henry Ford installs the first assembly line
    In 1913 in Highland Park plant , Henry Ford installed the first moving assembly line ever used for large-scale manufacturing. He produced cars at a record-breaking rate.
  • Panama Canal opens (first time)

    Panama Canal opens (first time)
    It was opened for first time in 1914, between the Caribbean and Pacific in order to improve trade routes and it's considered one of the 7th wonders of the world
  • The Decree on Land was announced by Lenin

    The Decree on Land was announced by Lenin
    The Decree on Land was written by Lenin in 1917 in Russia It was important because of two reasons: decreed an abolition of private property, and the redistribution of the landed estates amongst the peasantry.
  • WW1 ended with an armistice

    WW1 ended with an armistice
    The war was ended in 1918 in Le Francport Germany signed The Armistice because of the infusion of American troops and resources into the western front this treaty was important because it was the ceasefire that ended hostilities.
  • Miguel Primo de Rivera led a military coup and became dictator

    Miguel Primo de Rivera led a military coup and became dictator
    Miguel Primo staged the coup in September 1923 In Spain, he did so in the name of national salvation, To many people he was the “iron surgeon”
  • Alexander Fleming discovers Penicillin

    Alexander Fleming discovers Penicillin
    In 1928, at London, thanks to Fleming accidentally discovered it many lives were saved because penicillin kills the bacteria that cause infections.
  • Von Hindenburg appointed Hitler as Chancellor of Germany

    Von Hindenburg appointed Hitler as Chancellor of Germany
    Hinderburg names Adolf Hitler chancellor of Germany in 1933 in Germany because he was Frustraded and decided to resign giving Hitler power, this decision caused germany to become a totalitarian state during 12 years
  • Spanish civil war starts

    Spanish civil war starts
    This war started in Spain in 1936. Franco started it against the Second republic, because of this, today we have a parliamentary system.
  • The end of Spanish Civil War

    The end of Spanish Civil War
    The Spanish civil war ended in Madrid in 1939 when the Spaniards during an election decided to establish a liberal republic. Because of this, nowadays we do not have an absolute monarchy system.
  • The invasion of Poland

    The invasion of Poland
    The invasion of Poland took place in poland in 1939and was led by Germans it is consider as the trigger for the second world war and this caused the annihilation of the entire Jewish race